Meanwhile back at the penthouse Lexi was on the hunt for Bob

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Back at the penthouse, Lexi was waiting for Bob. She had called him several times but he didn't  have his phone on him. She called her best friend Kathryn over to help her. She didn't want to have Bob suffering outside so Kathryn and Lexi decided to go on a journey to find him. For she couldn't let Bob suffer in the cold. The search began as Lexi and Kathryn hoped that she would be able to find Bob before it was too late. She just couldn't imagine her life without him. She would do anything to bring him back. 

"All is lost!" Lexi said, I know that Bob went on a vacation but he was supposed to come home three days ago. Where could he have gone? I thought he cared about me. What if he's dying? I couldn't imagine losing him. He has always been here for me and I want to do everything I can to  be there to protect him. If I knew where he was, I would bring him home and make sure that he was safe. Now I must go on a long journey to find him and bring him back to the penthouse where he will be safe and happy once again." 

The journey began. Lexi and Kathryn were on their way to find Bob. They didn't want Bob be out in the cold all alone. For if they let him suffer, he could die and nothing would ever be the same. Soon, the airplane took off to Texas. Lexi thought that Bob would be in Texas. Soon, the airplane had landed at the airport. Kathryn and Lexi checked into their hotel and then they were off to find Bob. Little did they know that the organist was with him. The organist was taking good care of him. 

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