The enchanted pendent

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The organist wept over Andrea. Her heart shattered seeing her lying like this. Was she dead? Darwin put his arms around the organist trying to comfort her. Soon, there was a knock at the door. The organist left the living room to answer the door. Darwin continued to sit with Andrea on the couch Bob and Lexi came over with food and chocolate. They set it all on the table. Then they came and knelt beside Andrea. Lexi wept over her. Her heart ached seeing her like this. Bob put his arms around her. He was also in tears to see this. Lexi and Bob would do anything to help Andrea and bring her back. 

Everyone sobbed uncontrollably as they all started to lose hope. Darwin finds a pendent. Everyone else gathers around him to look at it. It looked so beautiful but then it started to fly and then opened up. Sparkling dust fell on Andrea. Her eyes opened and everyone cheered. They were so happy. For they had started to loose hope. They all worried that Andrea was going to die. They couodln't imagine life without her. Now they could celebrate. Now that all was well, the celebration could begin and Darwin could ask Andrea out on a date. 

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