Adopting a cat

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The next day, it was time to go to the animal shelter. The organist was going to adopt a cat. She was happy that Andrea was there to help her find the perfect one for her. It was import to her knowing that she had someone who cared about her and knowing that meant more to her than anything. The organist never thought that she would ever be living in penthouse with such a famous wedding planner. Soon, it would be time to go to the animal shelter to pick the cat. This would be such an exciting trip that will be memorable. 

"I wouldn't dream of leaving you." Andrea said, I will always be here in any situation and no one will ever hurt you. I will make sure that you are safe. We have 3 hours until the shelter closes. If we get there now, we will have plenty of time to find the perfect cat. Later, the limo arrived to take Andrea and the organist to the animal shelter. The organist couldn't wait to find her cat. This day would be something that she would cherish forever. The animal shelter had many cats and the organist could hardly wait to find the perfect cat. She hoped to find a white cat. 

The organsit was brought into a room filled with cats. They all looked so beautiful. The organist looked around but she couldn't find a white cat. Just as she was about to lose hope, a little white cat came up to her and jumped into her arms. Andrea came into the room and she loved the reaction that the organist displayed when the cat jumped into her arms. Her eyes filled with tears and her heart was pounding with excitement. This was the best day ever. 

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