Traumatic injuries

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Andrea had been asleep for 3 days. The organist was worried. Bob waited at the hotel for the organist to come back so that she could walk home with him. He was excited to see his wife Lexi. He was pretty sure that she missed him so much. In his mind, he could see the tears in her eyes. He could see her running into his arms the moment he walked into the house. She would cry tears of joy as he held her. Even the organist could see this in her mind and she wanted to tell Bob  about her thoughts on what she's seeing in her mind. 

"I hope that we can return home soon." The organist said,  I also hope that  Andra will recover. i couldn't imagine not being with her. She always brings me so much joy. I couldn't lose her. If I lost her, then all hope would be lost. It was heartbreaking enough seeing that she was missing. I couldn't even begin to imagine what  other horrible things that could happen to her. I really hope she wakes up soon. I really want to talk to her and hopefully we can be together. All I want to do is hold her in my  arms."

A few days later, Andrea woke up. The organist was knelt over her. Tears were sparkling in her eyes. She was in shock. Who was this woman standing over her? Andrea sat up touching the organist's  cheek. She felt tears flowing but she still had no idea who was standing over her. She wondered if this person standing over her thought that Andrea was her daughter. The organist pulled Andrea into her arms sobbing her heart out. Her heart was filled with happiness. The organist was so glad that Andrea was awake. For she thought that she was going to lose Andrea forever.

"You are so beautiful." Andrea said, are you a famous writer? If you're a famous writer, how did you come here to visit me? Why are crying? I don't like to see this. It breaks my heart. I will do anything for you. I will help you find your way to the mall for the book signing. It means a lot to me knowing that all the famous people are safe and doing what they love. I don't like to seee you so sad. It is my duty to help those in need."

"Oh no!" The organist said,, you have forgotten me. We were such good friends. I am the famous organist who you helped a few months back. You brought me to your house and then you broke off your friendship with Kendra so we could be friends but you didn't have to do that. We could have all been friends. Then later, we adopted a cat. I'm going to get the doctor. I', so worried about you. What if something terrible has happened to you? I can't lat anything happen to you. You are always here for you."

Andrea looked up at the organist then she wiped away her tears.  She was so happy to see her. Little did she know that she was going to discover a hidden talent. Andrea was just happy to see that the organist was with her. Finally, the doctor came into the room and that's when the organist found out that Andrea had amnesia and soon, she was released from the hospital and now she just needed to rest. The organist was happy to knew tha t Andrea was safe with her. For she couldn't let anything happen to her. If anything happens to her again, then all will bee lost! 

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