Andrea returns home

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Days went by but still Andrea hadn't come home. This was just devastating! The organist couldn't stop imagining all the terrible things that could be happening to her. She had to do something that could take her mind off of Andrea and the accident that she had been in. Soon, the organist went to the library. She wanted to get Andrea some books. If she did that, then she would have done something to help her in tough times. Nothing meant more to the organist than knowing that Andrea was happy. Soon, the organist was in the romantic novel section. 

The organist looked around and sooon, she had collected so many books. She was sure that Andrea was going to love them. The limo took the organist all over two un picking up gifts for Andrea and all seemed to be well. The organsit would be happy knowing that Andrea  would be home safely. She could just see the look on her face when she saw all the gifts that the organist was going to buy her. When the limo pulled up to the candy shop, it broke down. Soon, the driver left to get it fixed hile the organsit went into the mall. 

There were so many things to choose from. Now it was time to find the best gifts for Andrea so that she would be happy while she was at home recovering. Once Andrea was all better, the organist was going to take her to a special place to celebrate. She wanted to show Andrea that she was always going to be there for her and that show wouldn't let anything happen to her. A few hours later, the organist had a huge bag full of gifts. Now it was time to go home. Hopefully Andrea was back from the hospital. 

The limo came back all ready to go. The organist got in with her big bag of gifts and she couldn't wait to see the look and Andrea's face when she saw them. Soon, the car arrived at the building. The driver helped her get to the penthouse and unlocked the door. When  the organist walked into the penthouse, Andrea was standing in the living room smiling. The organist ran to her with open arms. Her heart was pounding so hard with relief. She was so glad that Andrea had come home. Now it's as time to celebrate. 

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