Trying to comfort and help a famous organist

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After the concert had ended, it was time to go and meet the organist who had pkayed such beautiful music. When Andrea and Kendra arrived backstage. They looked up to see the organist. Her eyes were closed and tears pricked her eyelashes. Andrea walked up to the organist and smiled at her she could see that she was upset and she wanted got do what she could to comfort her. She put an arm around her trying to comfort her. It was hard to see her so upset. The organist wiped her eyes and pulled Andrea into her arms. She was overwhelmed with emotion.

"I have heard so much about you." The organist said, you have been in the newspapers and your custumers always loved having you as their wedding planner. I am so glad that you could come to the concert. It is just so overwhelming playing in front of all these people. I know that I'm a famous organist and composer but I have Ben going through tough times lately. I lost my house due to a house fire and I lost my most prized possession. I lost my little white cat in the fire and I know that this happened 3 weeks ago but it is just so hard for me to cope with. I didn't think that I'd make it through the concert today."

"Kendra and I are here for you." Andrea said, we will make sure that you are safe. There is a pending house next door to ours that we can help you move into. We know that you are rich and famous and we know that you can't afford it. We will always be here and if you need us, we're just a penthouse away. You can visit any time you like. You can even stay overnight any time you want to." 

The organsit felt relief wash over her. She was so glad that she knew someone who would take care of her. She had never imagined that someone would come backstage after a concert to comfort her. It meant a lost to her knowing that she was with good friends who would always be there for her. Now it was time for the banquet. The organsit suddenly, felt scared. She was worried about going in front of all those people. What if she broke down in tears during the ceremony? This was going to be very difficult. 

"I can't go out in front of the people for the banquet." The organist said, I have felt very emotional for so long and if I go out in front of the people, then I could break down in tears. The banwuet will have to be canceled and I can't disappoint the people. They have come all this way to see me at a ceremony. The banquet could cause me to become more nad more emotional over time. What would the people think if they saw me having and emotional breakdown at the ceremony? What if I have to give a speech?"

Andrea knew what to do. She would ask Kendra to stand up there with her and the organsit and hopefully she would be able to help her. Sadly, Kendra wasn't up for it. She didn't understand why Andrea was helping such a famous organsit. Couldn't she figure out how to go through this herself? Andrea explained that the organist was famous and could be independent. However, she has gone through tough times and she needed a friend or two who would help her. Kendra was still not up for it. She said that the organist could just figure things out on her own. Andrea was so upset that she broke off the friendship with Kendra. 

"I'm so sorry." Andrea said, Kendra is selfish. She isn't selfish to me. She will help me in any way if I need it. It just that when it comes to helping anyone else, she doesn't want to help. Now I have to break off our friendship with her. All isn't lost though. Although you are a famous organist and composer, would you be willing to also help me in my wedding planning business? I'm sure brides would love to have you as their organist."

"I would love that!" The organist said, I won't have concerts until next March. i only have concerts in March and then they go through May. At least I still get paid every week. I am also a composer so that means music stores buyback the music I write. I get paid once a week from  music stores all across the world. Thank you so much fore all that you have ever done for me. I will show up at your penthouse at 7AM every day to help you. It mwans a lot me knowing that you are here for me." 

The banquet went bery well. Just before the banquet, Andrea cut off the friendship with Kendra and she left to pack p her things from the penthouse. Soon, it was time for the organist to give her speech. Andrea stood by her side and hugged her. She knew that she would break down in tears  and she would be there to comfort her. Andrea was a little worried though. What if the organist's speech was so powerful that she broke down in tears? She hoped that that didn't happen. She was in front of a group of people. 

"This day has filled me with so many emotions." The organist said, lately I have been going through tough times. Although I had lost my cat in a house fire 3 weeks ago, I din't let that stip me from playing the organ infront of all of the people in the concert hall. Just knowing that there will be a group of people out there who would be there for me was what kept me from continuing with my career. Just remember that no matter what happens in your life weather its a disability or any tragic event, don't let anything hold you back from your dreams." 

Everyone clapped and cheered at the end of the speech. Andrea put her arms around the organist as the man next to her gave her an award. She felt her so overewhelmed with emotion. It was hard not to cry and at this point the organsit had finally let it all go. Her tears were coming rapidly. She was heartbroken and also very happy. She couldn't believe that she had brought up her cat dying in the house fire but she was happy because Andrea was there for her and would walks be there by her side. 

"I am very proud of you." The concert hall manager said, you have done a wonderful job playing the organ at the concerts the past 3 years and alll of the people are happy that you could play for them. Even the people that you sell your music too are happy that you could be there to play the organ for them i know that it was hard to keep your emotions  under control but you did such a good  job tonight. Now you can enjoy yourself and have a good night. Go enjoy the dance with the people and just relax until exp year's concerts. You deserve it."

The organsit shed a few more tears before sitting with Andrea. She was so overewhelmed that her heart felt as if it had shattered. Soon, the party would be over and ASndrea could bring the organist back to the penthouse. Andrea thought that it would be a good idea for the organist to be in the penthouse with her since she had suffered so much. It was hard for her to continue her life as normal. Andrea was going to help the organsit in any way she could. 

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