08: moving in

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Your mouth fell open and you stared at him bewilderedly. You probably looked like a fish but you were too overwhelmed to have your facial expression under control.

You were shocked, yes, but your heart made a big jump when he asked you to move in with him.

You should probably take it slow because you just made up and are trying to approach each other again after some very serious fights and a year apart.

But only the mere thought of living with him made you feel warm inside. You could imagine it to be very funny but also fulfilling to spend so much time together. Difficult for sure, but mostly happy.

"I don't know, Jungkook", you managed to utter after you recovered from his sudden request, "I don't want to rush anything."

"That's okay, I understand", he said nodding and tightened his grip around your waist, "I think it's just a great opportunity to work on our relationship and get to know each other better again, find out what the other needs and wants."

You were a little surprised by his words. He's always been quite caring and attentive but this was new. A new side of him, quite mature, and you definitely liked it.

"Okay, maybe you're right", you admitted reconsidering your first answer, "let's do it like you suggested it. I'll move in with you for the summer break and if it doesn't work out we immediately stop it and..."

"...just let it be", you said, the words leaving a bitter taste on your tongue. You did not want that.

You didn't want to lose him, not again. You needed to work hard and fix the remains of your relationship, build up a new bond of trust and love.

"Let's hope this never happens", he whispered and slightly leaned in conveying with his body language that he wants to kiss you.

"Yes, let's hope", you agreed quietly and smiled at him before you pressed another quick kiss on his lips.

This already felt like normality. Like nothing ever happened, you sitting on his lap, sharing kisses and talking in peace.

You believed you had a good chance at repairing the damage that had been done. You really believed it.

"Okay, then. Pack your bags and I'll pick you up tomorrow", he said making you chuckle and shake your head.

"Gee, you really think I can pack all my stuff into boxes in one day?", you asked, "I'm going to need some more time."

"Don't take too long, babe", he said coming closer and brushed his lips over your cheek before he placed a kiss there, "we have lots of plans."

Two days later you had all your stuff moved into Jungkook's- or now your- apartment and put away into the wardrobe and drawer.

He had a king sized bed in which you'd sleep together what kind of freaked you out but it would be okay.

You still felt the safest in his arms. You'd just need some time to get used to it again.

You sighed and clapped your hands. The last box was tidied away and you could finally rest.

"Finally this apartment will be used for the purpose I bought it for", Jungkook said satisfied as he walked into the bedroom and glanced at you.

"You actually bought this for us?", you asked surprised.

You knew he wanted to get his own place. But you didn't know he had planned to buy it for the both of you to live in.

"Yea, sure", he said shrugging, "the moment I realized my mistake and knew I wanted you back no matter what, I planned out my whole life with you."

"Wow, that's huge", you said baffled but smiled when he approached you and pulled you to him.

"Come on, let's get started", he whispered pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"With what?", you asked a little panicked.

"Relax", he said laughing, "let's take it slow. I want to spend time with you how we did back then. So let's bake something."

"Like what? Hash brownies?", you asked giggling as you remembered how wild he used to be in your first year of college.

"Hm, no. I prefer getting you high in a different way", he said winking and took your hand to pull you to the kitchen, "we'll make cookies, the classic."

"Fine with me", you said and began rummaging in the cupboards to find the right utensils.

Soon after you were totally immersed in the process of preparing the cookie dough. But it became a little messy. Jungkook was just too playful to bake civilised.

When you had added all ingredients he scooped up a small amount of dough so you could taste if it was good.

He insisted on feeding you and fed you like a small child pretending that the tea spoon was an airplane flying into your mouth.

You laughed rolling your eyes but played along until he moved a little too much. The dough slipped off the spoon and dropped right on your chest.

"Ugh, are you serious?", you asked trying to sound mad but you had to giggle too much, "it's all over my décolleté."

He smiled at you impishly and grabbed your wrist when you reached up to remove the dough from your skin.

"Let me clean you up, babe", he said with flashing eyes and held your arm waiting for your response.

You considered your answer and bit your lower lip. You knew what would come if you agreed. And you wanted it. You were looking forward to it.

"Okay", you nodded and his smirk grew bigger.

He let go of your arm to bend down and pick you up by the back of your thighs and sit you down on the counter.

He looked into your eyes as he spread your legs to stand in between them and pulled you closer by your calves.

Then he leaned in and connected his lips to your skin. He ate the bit of cookie dough and licked the spot to make sure he got everything. 

But he wasn't finished. He kissed his way up to your neck leaving a trail of hot and steamy kisses making you hold on to his upper arm.

You slightly tilted your head back and enjoyed the feeling of the electric sparks pulsating through your body to the full.

And I oop-

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