Third Muster: Chapter 58

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"This spring just hits different you know?" Hoseok says to king Namjoon as they stroll down the pathway to the small lagoon where they'd meet Jungkook who's about to be crowned in the next few hours.

"It is, quite frankly the best spring that has been since I was crowned myself. That was what, hundred years ago." He chuckles to himself.

"I wish all vampires can experience this freedom. But unfortunately, they still chose the human realm," Hoseok says.

"Well, to be fair, if being there means being with the love of your life, I would too. Imagine king Jimin doing that as well," Namjoon says as he kicks a small rock on the ground that eventually rolls down further into the path.

Hoseok nods in acknowledgement and pulls the satchel closer to his body. Him and king Namjoon has agreed to just walk there since Jimin wanted to dive together with Jungkook's father. All of Jimin's gifts to Jungkook is inside the satchel Hoseok has.

"I heard your castle's windows are still shut close. It's been 30 years Hoseok. Is the king still grieving?" Namjoon asks in concern.

Hoseok nods and sighs silently.

"Well, he's handling it better now than when Eve died. I think he'll be opening the windows soon," Hoseok said.

He himself doesn't know when but atleast he's optimistic enough to hope for the better. Jimin is still grieving but still holds on to Taehyung's words the day he got Yeora's dead body from his lap.

Although Taehyung didn't promise anything in particular, Jimin still believed. Every year, he was still accepting virgin sacrifices from the human realm. But this time, he doesn't kill them off instantly. He lets them stay in the castle or vampire realm in one condition, they'll be transformed into new borns. Some of them agreed to and has been spared. Some didn't and went back to the human realm.

Hoseok's train of thoughts came to a halt when they've reached the lagoon. Jungkook is there talking with the elders, his tail swishing gently under the water. His blue electric hair dry and some flower petals are on the lagoon. He stopped their discussion once he saw Hoseok and King Namjoon. He swam across the lagoon and reached the side and bowed to Namjoon.

"You're here. Finally we can all go down to the great halls. King Jimin is already there." Jungkook says.

"Well, you look dashing your majesty," Namjoon praises as he looks down at Jungkook.

"It's a pleasure to be praised by a king your majesty. Thank you," he said and smiles from ear to ear.

"So shall we go?" Hoseok speaks.


Jimin settles in his throne as he watches the majority of his audience disberse and leave the castle. After the feast from Jungkook's coronation, he decided to go back up on the dry lands to address his people's concerns. He himself has found this very time consuming but atleast it leaves his mind off of his grieving thoughts.

He was about to leave when he saw someone fly so fast outside the window. He knew he wasn't wrong. He knew who he was. So with no second thoughts he runs up to the highest tower of the castle to see if he is right.

He arrives there and sees someone perched unto the railings. Wings spread and hair gently whiping through the air.

"Your majesty," Taehyung greets as he bows to Jimin.

Oh the joy the king has felt when he saw Taehyung.

"To what do I owe this visit?" He asks him.

Taehyung closes his wings and steps down from the railings.

"She'll be here today your majesty," he informs the king.

A wide smile spread across Jimin's face as the words rolled out of Taehyung's tongue.

"Please make sure to do what you've promised," he said and flew off without hearing Jimin's words.

Taehyung was right, she'll be reborn as a human again since her mother's curse was still within her. Only this time, it could only last for as much as Taehyung could give. It was only enough for him to spare. Jimin went and told everyone to prepare everything.

Alice was overjoyed to hear the good news and rushed to the king's solar to prepare everything.

The king has to prepare as well. He promised Taehyung to revive her the moment she arrives. He will surely do it as the her mother's curse wears out this day as well and will be her last death with no remedies.

Jimin was so willing to do the black magic himself to revive Yeora but Taehyung offered this solution. He was so adamant at that so Jimin had to just say yes even though he doesn't want to.

After all the castle's preparation, Jimin situated himself at the throne room, in his throne, with his crown this time. His heart hammered against his chestnas he calms his nerves.

And as soon as he hears footsteps of bare feet, he went still and silent. All his other endevours, future conquests and even finding the Havens were thrown out the window. He smiles as the same warmth creeps into his chest.

The doors creeks open as the familiar figure steps in. With the same scrutinity in her eyes as the day she first layed eyes on him. No fear evident on her gaze and before she could even say anything, Jimin runs to her and kneels before her, bows his head and says,

"Welcome back my queen."

The end


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