Chapter 2- UA Entrance Exam

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For the last 7 months I have been training my body and quirk to the brim and studying my brains out. As a result, I've gotten my control of my quirk up to 3 percent. Honestly, I felt like I put myself through the ringer, however if it can get me closer to becoming the number 1 Hero and showing Deku and my Father up Ill do anything. I do have to keep in mind that I'm not to stick out too much, that was Moms only condition when she agreed to let me go into UA High. I must honor her wishes no matter how much I want to show off my hard work. I won't get a high score, but enough to pass. However in the time I wasn't doing anything I found myself wondering about that Kacchan kid and how he was doing and if I'd ever see him again. Other than that, I also found out that Father was training Deku at Dagoba Mucipal Beach Park. I went there when I got bored or felt like I needed some inspiration, by watching Father torcher Deku. And today happens to be one of those days, I was on my way to the beach when I heard a loud thud. I quickly walk to where the sound came from and I see Father in his scrawny form, who turned around and was staring down at Deku, who was on the ground trembling. I rush over and hide behind a tree.

"Hey, hey kid. Look alive now you've only got 3 months left and your gonna give up after all this work Wanna flush it all down the toilet and take it easy?" All Might asks as Midoriya tries to get back up and he then squints his eyes at him. "Your overworked "The Aim to Pass the American Dream Plan" was created with your body in mind. It was built to ensure your progress was swift and manageable. Which means you haven't been sticking to it, you're overdoing things that's gonna have the opposite effect of what we want." All Might explains angrily, but Deku makes a fist with both his hands.

"I have to work harder or I wont stand a chance against the other applicants. I don't just wanna get into UA. I want to excel, I want to be like you. I want to be the greatest Hero in the world. So I'll keep on trying until... I've got what it takes to do that." Deku states causing All Might to transforms into his muscle form and he picks up Midoriya by his shirt.

"That fighting spirit is what I like about you fanboy, it serves you well. I do get your concerns, that said now's not the time to go and rush progress. Fear not, I can get you back on track, leave it to this old man to adjust your plan." All Might declares, while still holding Deku by the shirt. As I watch All Might carry Deku away I nearly punch the tree beside me. "Screw not sticking out. I am going to make sure I am the top person in that exam no matter what, which means it's work harder and more efficiently than ever before!" I think as I ball both my hands up into fists.

(Time Skip)

Finally it's the morning of the exam and those last 3 months I worked as hard as I could without tearing or breaking anything and got myself up to mastering 4 percent. However I wanted to master up to 5%, but I still can't properly control it too well. I woke up a little earlier than usual and got ready and was about to leave when Mom came into the Kitchen and gave a hug.

"Be Careful and remember to not stick out too much." Mom warns.

"Don't worry, Mom. I will." I assure as I give her a kiss on the cheek and walk out the house. I take out my phone and put in UAs address. I looked through the routes to see there was one going by Dagoba Mucipal Beach Park so I click on that route and begin walking. Finally I get close to the beach and suddenly, I hear screaming. I begin to run in the direction of the sound only to see Deku, who was on top of all the junk. I let out a sigh of relief as I then turn, but only to see All Might in his scrawny form a few feet away from me staring over at Deku. I quickly hide, while looking out to see the beach was clean. "Damn... He even cleaned where Father told him he didnt have to do I feel really glad that I started training more efficiently now that I see Deku isn't a joke at all, he is growing to be a formidable rival Therefore, I AM NOT HOLDING BACK!" I think as I see All Might transform and quickly catches Deku, who falls from the junk.

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