_.He's back._

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I was at home reading ghostbur's book of memories it was very sweet and interesting. Then I heard yelling from outside my house.

"(y/n)! (y/n)!" Tommy was yelling from the top of his lungs.

I rush to the front door to open it , revealing Tommy who was wet from the pouring rain outside. I brang him in and sat him down on my couch. He was breathing heavily and couldn't say the words he wanted to. I tried comforting him by sitting next to him rubbing my hands up and down his back. I was like a big sister to him especially when Wilbur had left...he looked up to me though , he always had really ever since l'manberg was made.

He caught his breath and broke the news to me.

"(y/n) its ghostbur...he's gone for good..." He sighed heavily with tears building up in his eyes.

He rests his head on my shoulder trying to hide his tears. I hug him tightly trying to reassure him but I was breaking down myself. I had loved the ghost very much and so had everyone else , ghostbur had loved me as well we were happy together. Tommy explained what had actually happened in full detail.

" you see then Sam wouldn't let me go with ghostbur and I saw dream kill him..." He said as he wiped his tears away. He got out of my reach to look up and see tears running down my face.

"look its okay (y/n) we can talk about this later I have to go now." He said with a broken voice.

I nodded and gave tommy one last hug , I passed an umbrella to him and then waved him goodbye. He gave me a forced smile and then went on his small journey home. This news has broken my heart no matter how hard I tried to push the thought aside I couldn't sleep that night.


As I lay in bed , the sound of the rain outside helped me forget about my worries , my mind slowly enters a peaceful world of sleep. Just as I doze off I hear a creak of a door open. It was the front door , maybe I forgot to lock it? I gradually force myself out of bed only to be pinned down by a figure. I tried to get out of the grasp of the mysterious figure , the moon light revealing the culprit. It was Wilbur?! I could just make out it was him since the moon light was faint from my closed curtains.

"I missed you a lot love." he said using his free hand to lift my face up by my chin.

I tried pushing him off me , I will never forgive what he has done he hurt me , destroyed our nation and hurt everyone I loved. His grip got firmer but it wasn't too strong to hurt me. He smirked down at me , seeing the sight of me made him feel so happy inside.

He brought his face closer to mine and whispered in my ear.

"Now now (y/n) aren't you glad to see me." Which gave me butterflies in my stomach as I could feel his breath in my ear. But I cant like this monster after everything he has done to me and my friends.

I kicked him off me hearing him groan in pain and then I jumped up turning on the lights to the gloomy room.My eyes weren't ready for the blinding light so I squinted so I could see all his features clearly.

His wine red eyes glowed , the streak of white perfectly laid in his messy brown hair. He wore ghostburs sweater and on top a trench coat and a pair of black jeans. He had a bandage on his left arm and his hands were bandaged up as well. He still wore his signature glasses.

He pinned me to a wall , and gives me one of his psychopathic smile.

"Why did you kick me dear that is not very welcoming is it." He said as he brought his face closer to mine.
I could feel the rage burn inside me as I tried to speak up.

"You...you...you monster did you forgot that you hurt me more than everyone else." I blurt out then quickly cover my mouth regretting what I said as soon as his smiled faded.
He started to laugh crazily and backed away then turned away from me.

"I come back just to be called a monster..." silence filled the room after he had said that.

He then spun around and slammed his hand on the wall next to my head. He leaned down bringing his face close to mine again. I was scared he wasn't what I remembered but he was still so attractive , but he was scaring me. I was trembling infront of him.

"Why are you shaking dear did I hurt you so much you can't even handle my presence." He asked with a crazy smile still on his face.

"Your scaring me wil..." I whimpered

He titled his head down and stared to mutter things to himself. He was absolutely insane but still very attractive but in a more inhumane way.

"of course I'm scaring her she called me a monster am I bad of course not no but she said I'm a monster I~." He continued muttering nonsense to himself.

I reach my hand over to his shoulder slowly then hesitate. Still being pinned to a wall I bring my free hand to his head and before I can place my hand on his head to comfort him I see CAT EARS?

Before I can say anything I felt light headed. I don't understand what was going on it was all a blur. Wilbur carried me to my bed in his arms. I slept peacefully leaning my head into his chest.

"I know you like me (y/n) even if you try to hide it by insulting me you always will have feelings for me." I swear I heard him say that but I didn't care I felt safe in his arms.



Bahhaha this is shit. I was never really a good writer to be honest but this was a request from my cousin so I thought why not.
Remember you are worth everything and take care 👋😃


Word count: 1069 😏

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