._train ride_.

978 31 36

The bright light had stopped. I found my self surrounded by nothing.

"I'll just take you away from Wilbur.. he doesn't deserve you." XD voice echoes around me.

Closing my eyes I hear a train.

Reopening my them I find myself inside a train carriage. Looking around , it was empty , I was all alone. I then realise what was going on.

Standing up from the seat I frantically look around , panicking. My attention was dragged to the windows. Looking through them I see a dark void beneath the train. Tumbling back I fall to ground putting my head in my hands. Crying and shaking , not knowing what was going on.

I wiped my eyes.

"This.. this is all a sick dream. XD is just trying to scare me." Trying to reassure myself I stand up.

The train was shaking on the tracks , I walk to the next section of the train. Everything was the same and the huge pit was still visible from the window. Taking a deep breath in , I walk to the next carriage then the next and the next. It felt like I had been walking for hours , days , years.

It was no use.. sitting back down I keep my tears in not wanting XD to think he has won. Laying vertically on the seats I close my eyes hoping for this nightmare to be over.

-small time skip-

The train halted to a stop. I open my eyes yawning , still in the train..

"Oh shit.." I say as the door open.

Cautiously , I look out seeing a train stop. No hell like pit , so I stepped out looking around. The train doors closed , it slowly moved away until it was out of sight. Sighing , I hear quiet sobs.

Looking around I see him.. I see ghostbur. DreamXD was so utterly sick.. he was making me see ghostbur in my dreams.

Running over to the crying ghost I place my hands on him. He was solid? Not so ghosty if you ask me.

Ghostbur squeaked with fear and sat up looking at me. Blue tears fall from his colourless eyes.

"(Y/n)..." He whispers.

"Ghostbur?" I knew this was a dream. This wasn't actually ghostbur.

"No no no no." He cried out putting his head in his hands. "Your not real! Your not real!" He sobbed out.

I put a hand on his shoulder leaning down.

"Ghostbur.. are you okay?"

"D-dreamXD is just tricking me.. your not actually here." He cried out , swatting my hand away.

"This is all a dream. This isn't actually happening." I whisper to myself stepping back.

"Unless.. your dead." He looks up with a sympathetic look.

"No no this all just a dream. I am not dead. Nice try XD but you can't fool me." I laugh awkwardly.

"Y-you did die.. what happened h-how did you get here?!" He stood up floating towards me.

The concrete he laid on was covered with blue tears , a lot of tears..

"I didn't die- I saw a blinding light and ended up on a train." I shrug.

Wow , I can't believe I was explaining this to a fake ghostbur- like this wasn't even him. There is no way my happy ghost boy turned into a sad miserable ghost..it can't be.

"Y-you did die. So its really you!" He yelled happily threw tears.

"Wait.. did I- did I actually die.." I look at my hands and then at ghostbur.

He floated to me and nuzzled at my arm.

"I have missed you so so so so so much! I am so glad- but wait.. how did you die?" He wiped his eyes and frowned.

"I- I don't know." I look to the ground.

"Cheer up my love! Here have a hug!" He smiled weakly opening his arms.

Looking at him with glossy eyes I crack. Sinking to the floor crying , Ghostbur crouches down to my side placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't cry! Please , otherwise I'll cry." He says sniffling.

I look at him with a broken frown.

"I.. I can't be dead- what about wilbur w-what about Caelan?!" The thought of the two withouth me.

"Who's Caelan?" Ghostbur stiffened.

"My son.." I whisper.

"We- you have a son? So much has happened with out me.." he mumbles.

I look up at him.

"I have missed you so much my little ghost..." I say with a weak smile.

"I have wanted to ask DreamXD if I could see you.. at least just once. But look! Now your here , forever." A huge grin was on his face.

I felt like my whole world was destroyed... I was never going to see Caelan or Wilbur again.. ever again..

I started crying again. My eyes became waterfalls with my bitter tears.

"Oh love , its going to be okay." He whispers sitting besides me. Patting his lap I lay my head down.

"Before I couldn't place my hands on you.. but now look! You can lay on my lap while I play with your hair." He"s completely changed , a few minutes ago he was crying his eyes out.. but now he was happy.

I felt his cold finger through my hair. Sobbing quietly , I lean into his touch.

-small time skip-

I'll never see Wilbur again.. I'll never see my sweet son Caelan.. again. I won't see Tommy , tubbo ranboo , philza.. no one. Just ghostbur..

"Wanna go on the train? We can visit other dead people too.. y'know." He whisper as he massaged my scalp.

This idea was.. a good one.

"My love we can go visit some people.. just you and me. Only if you promise not to leave me." He runs his pale fingers through my hair lovingly.

"We can visit.. anyone?" I whisper.

"Anyone my dear." He smiled.

"I- I can visit my mother.. right?" Tears began to form in my eyes again.. tears of happiness.

"Yes , yes you can my love."



Also the discord group is completed! The chats and shit should work now , sorry for that.

Anway , chat we have come so far with this book! As a community and as normal mutuals we have come so far together. I would of never continued this book with out all your support!

You all will really like the new book I have been planning for months , I hope you all like it. It was a project from 25th september 2021. So it has come a long way and I am so excited for you all tp read it!

Bye bye :]

!Also this is not the last chapter!

Word count: 1105

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