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I was rethinking about everything I had done. Wilbur really loved me but it was like he was obsessed with me. There was no point going back now I had made it.Las Nevadas looked beautiful at night , everything was lit up and colourful.

I made my way towards the office getting a little lost on the way since the place was rather complicated.

*knock knock*

The door slowly opens revealing a rather drunk quackity. His beanie was sliding off to one side while his posture was lazy he had one bottle in hand.

"Heyyyy." He slurred.

"Hello quackity uh bad time?" I ask.

"Noooo your finee come in."

I nodded before stepping in and seeing paper on the floor and his office was trashed.

"What happened in here." I say picking up paper and putting it on his desk in a neat pile.

"Welll actually dream came here and he made me mad then he took tommy away I got sad." He says taking another sip and was slurring over all his words.

"He took tommy?" My heart dropped , what the hell happened. I could feel rage building up inside me.

I pulled him by his collar to bring him towards me and shook him slightly while yelling.

"Why didn't you stop him what is wrong with you."

"Im sorry." He said tears going down his face not fully understanding the situation.

"That won't help quackity sorry isn't enough." I continue yelling.

"I'm sorry." He repeated but his voice was more broken and slurred.

I push him aside making him fall to the floor still a crying mess.

"Shit I am sorry quackity I didn't mean to , god my anger really took the better of me I wasn't thinking I'm sorry."

I go to his side crouching down wiping his tears away.

"I am so sorry I don't know why I couldn't control my anger."

I wiped his tears , hushing him and giving him reassuring back rubs. Then charlie walks in.

"Whats going on?" He says with concern walking over to us and kneeling down.

"Just look after him while I am gone I need to look for tommy." I say getting up and leaving quackitys side.

I was still furious , he could have tried to save tommy.

"Alright I will be sure to take him to his house before he passes out." Charlie says sighing then giving me a reassuring smile.

I nod and stand up walking towards the door , before stepping out I turn around to see quackity slowly getting up with the help of charlie.

Making my way towards snowchester I find myself stopping at the strange sensation of being watched.

"I am just paranoid." I say trying to reassure myself which had obviously failed.

Every step I now took I felt more and more nervous , until I finally made it there.

*knock knock*

Tubbo opens the door with michael standing next to him.

"Oh hey (y/n) its been a while please come in , come in." He says with a big grin.

I nod smiling.

As I enter the house its quiet and ranboo is nowhere to be found.

Michael suddenly runs in front of me with a big smile , holding a drawing of a masked man with a tall enderman. I stared at it trying to think why it looks so familiar.

"So what brings you here." My trance was broken and I bring my gaze to Tubbo.

"Well I was hoping ranboo was here."

"So you aren't happy to see me aw man." He says slightly frowning.

I walk over and give him a bone-breaking hug.

"Alright alright you are defiantly happy to see me , please stop your crushing me." He says laughing slightly.

I stop hugging him and ruffle his hair.

"Oi." He says laughing.

While I was laughing aswell I felt a tug on my jeans. I look down and see micheal.

"What is it dear." I smile and pick him up.

He held the same piece of paper.

"Yes its a lovely drawing michael well done." I say patting his head and setting him back down.

He huffs in annoyance and goes to his table full of paper and colouring pencils.

I turn around focusing back to Tubbo.

"So do you know where ranboo is?" I ask smiling in hopes he would know where he was.

He shakes his head sighing.

"No last night before bed he was scared for some reason he was very quiet as well , then next day he was gone." He says shrugging.

"Aren't you worried?" I ask.

"He does it a lot , speaking of him michael is quite the artist." He says proudly and grabs a bunch of paper.

The first image was ranboo looking through a window with the same strange masked man , the strange figure was waving in the image while ranboo's eyes were blank.

"See look at how talented he is." He grins and shows the next one.

The second drawing is ranboo holding a book with strange symbols around him.

' ⌇⏃⎐⟒ ⋔⟒ ⎎⍀⍜⋔ ⊑⟟⋔ '

' ☍⟒⟒⌿ ⋔⟟☊⊑⏃⟒⌰ ⌇⏃⎎⟒ '

' ⟟ ☊⏃⋏⏁ ⍀⟒⋔⟒⋔⏚⟒⍀ '

And a bunch more but obviously they weren't important. They are just strange symbols michael sure does have good imagination I guess.

"And this one I am so proud of." He grins holding up the last piece of paper.

The final one had Tubbo , Ranboo and michael. They were all huddling close and smiling. I notice in the background the same figure from the last drawings. On the top of the drawing it said.

' ⊑⟒ ⟟⌇ ⍙⏃⏁☊⊑⟟⋏☌ '

Wonder what that means?

"Woah micheal your really talented." I say turning around to see him drawing something.

I kneel besides him smiling , then I look down to see his new creation.

It was just a page full of smiley faces and ranboo in the center the same smiley face on him.

"Anyway tubs I better be on my way."

"Oh why I was hoping you could stay over." He said fake pouting and giving me puppy eyes.

"Ughh fine." I say sighing and giving in.

"Whats the rush anyway?"

"Its tommy..."


(its 1:26pm now I wrote this A/n when I was sleep deprived please 💀)

You all are swag now remember to drink

A bo'le o wa'er

(I don't know how to write that in a british accent help 💀)

I love being br'ish


Thank you for all the support <3

Also sorry for any grammatical mistakes.

Word count: 1086

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