Chapter Thirteen- Velocity Ten

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Back at S.T.A.R Labs Nora promised she was fine as Chester went over what had gone wrong in the field how the machine was charged with Speed force energy which allowed the Godspeeds to use it to recharge without entering the speed force.

Chester told us we had forty five minutes to get the machine back up and running before the Godspeeds returned.

"What're you thinking." Iris asked Barry.

"If we cant get that S.E.E back working. We need reinforcements."

"Hell ya you do." Bart said appearing out of thin air causing me to jump.

"How long were you listening?" Iris asked him. "I mean, just long enough to hear that dad finally realized he should tag me in." He said looking hopeful at Barry.

"He meant me, dumbass." Nora said to him annoyed.

"No, I didn't." Barry said ending an argument before it started.

My eyes widened as I saw Bart look at me excited.

"Wait, what?" Nora asked confused.

"Nora, we almost died out there. I couldn't protect you. I'm not putting you in that position again." Barry said.

"Yeah, but we didn't die, and I can help." Nora said. "Mom, a little back up here please."

"We didn't die because Lukas and Frost saved our butts." Barry said.

"Nora, this was is unpredictable, and it getting more dangerous." Iris said.

"We do this everyday back home." Nora argued.

"Yeah, come on. We're heroes." Bart said. "Dangerous is, like, part of our job."

"Not this time." Barry said folding his arms.

Apart of me was beginning to feel like I shouldn't be involved in this argument.

"You don't just get to decide that. I'm about to turn thirty."

Barry cocked his head doing the math.

"In four years." Nora said before her face fell as she looked at me. "We can always use my plan."

Barry looked at me and looked back at Nora.

What the hell was that about?

Why'd the look at me like that?

"No. Absolutely not. We're still you're parents. You're still not going out there."

Bart and Nora went back and forth a couple times before looking to Iris.

"Your father is right." Iris said.

The family went back and forth at each other before finally the siblings sped off once again as Barry threatened to lock them in the pipeline before they once again sped off.

I headed to the lounge where I found Thea sulking over a cup of coffee.

"You good?" I asked her as I took a seat next to her.

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