Chapter Twenty Two- Discord

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"Why does your father need three of us on scene?" I asked Nora as I pulled the car to the side of the road.

"Dad's not coming, Grandpa Joe called us in." Nora said unbuckling her seatbelt. "Dad called in sick, taking care of Iris or something."

"Joe got his job back?" I asked her.

Nora nodded. "Kramer took an indefinite leave of absence. So, Joe got his job back."

I nodded. "So, wanna explain to me why you wanted me to drive us instead of just running us here?"

"You agreed to drive instead of swinging us here." She said. "But, it's a sense of normalcy. I could use more of that. My entire life it's been nonstop running."

"Lukas, Nora." Joe said as we stepped under the yellow tape handing us gloves.

"What we got here?" I asked him.

"Two homicides, a couple." Joe said guiding us towards the scene.

Two bodies, a male and a female laid on the ground in a wet pool of blood.

"This is recent." Nora said touching the blood and realizing it was still wet. "Motive?" She asked looking up at Joe.

He shrugged. "I was hoping you could help with that."

I pulled out my flashlight and looked inside their ears. They had been completely blown out. "I got a weapon." I said clicking my flashlight off and standing up.

"Meta?" Joe whispered so the deputies wouldn't here.

I nodded as Nora joined us in our huddle. "Sonic blast. Ruptured their ear drums."

"Sounds painful." Nora shuddered.

"Did your gauntlet pick anything up?" I asked her.

She shook her head.

"Can you configure it to search for sonic residue in the air?" I asked her, considering our options. Right now we had nothing to go on.

"Do you think it was?" Joe asked

"Laurel?" I asked shaking my head. "No, she's proved her trust."

"What about Rathaway?" Joe asked.

"Also gone good, we got someone new on our hands." I said to him.

"I got nothing." Nora said disappointed.

Joe nodded. "Head back to the Precinct, see if you can dig some stuff up on the couple. If they had any enemies. Stuff like that. I'm going to make some calls."

Nora and I collected whatever evidence we could get our hands on and made our way back to the precinct.

I pulled the metal door closed behind us as we entered the forensics lab.

I sucked in a breath as Nora began to speed type away on the computer. I always wondered how they did that, they worked fast. The computer didn't.

I looked around the room, I hadn't been in here in so long. It was in this room actually where I had met Nora.

"You good?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I gave her a warm smile and hung my jacket on the back of the chair. "This is where we first met actually."

Her face fell quickly but returned with a smile.

"So, Adam and Marissa Quinn." Nora started. "Both renowned engineers who worked with.. take a guess."

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