Chapter Thirty Five: A Decision

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None of this should've been possible.

Being turned into an organism and being born outside of my own timeline just because some time traveler held a grudge.

But why? If he hated me so much why not just kill me? He just changed my life.

It was all beginning to hurt my head and I haven't even thought about what I was going to do yet.

Nora had said that the timeline had mostly been set right. Barry never disappeared, the only thing missing was me, which meant...

"Son of a gun." I said hitting the table as I realized.

If I wasn't there then I must've decided to leave this timeline and join my real timeline.

I rubbed my head and looked at the Velocity X in my hand. Everything is set in place, the future. Unless of course, a speedster or time traveler decides to change it.

I closed my eyes and wiped a tear from my eye.

I had to keep telling myself that I would see everyone again, I would no matter what I chose they'd all be there, waiting.

I stood up and brushed the wrinkles out of my clothes.

The walk back to the cortex felt like slow motion and as I turned the corner Thea gave me a small smile.

"Thea. . ." I started to speak.

She shook her head and looked down. "You're my best friend." I saw a tear drop hit the ground.

"It's okay, you'll see me again only seconds after I leave." I said to her.

She looked at me confused. "Minutes Luke? Minutes for you, maybe. But for me it will be twenty seven years."

"It's where I belong." I said to her after I put the guilt in my chest to the side.

"I know. That's why it makes this so hard because I know it's not your fault. I can't hate you for it." She said wrapping me in a hug.

"Live your life, be happy." I said to her. "And for the love of the Speedforce, pick up that bow again. You have a team here, a family."

She wiped a tear from her face and smiled before she nodded her head.

I turned to the others. "It seems like everytime I come back I end up running off."

Cecile smiled. "You'll be gone much longer this time, but this time we know you'll be back. Even if I'll be retired."

I looked at Caitlin and Frost. "Take care of the kids yeah?"

Frost smiled. "At the rate we're learning our powers, we might be protecting a neighboring city, but whenever we're needed. We'll be there."

Allegra smiled. "We got this. Don't worry."

"Plus, this time we'll have Barry." Iris said.

"It's been a hell of a ride." I said shaking Chester's hand. "Try not to get lost in the Speedforce. That would be really bad."

Allegra smacked him. "Seriously? Why did you have to say that."

Caitlin and Cecile gave me a huge before Barry, Iris, Bart, and Nora walked us to the pipeline.

"So, how do we get back?" I asked clasping my hands together.

"We run." Nora said as her and Bart disappeared and reappeared in their suits. "Do you have it?"

I smiled and opened my hand where the vial sat nicely without moving.

I pressed it into my arm and felt my cells start to move rapidly before my eyes flashed blue electricity and I ran off into the cortex put my suit on and returned back to the pipeline.

"That's such a rush."

I turned to Barry and smiled at him before we shook hands and hugged each other.

"You've been a great friend, and teacher." I said to him.

"I'd say you're like a brother to me but that would be very weird." He said glancing past me to Nora. "But you are family. You'll always be apart of team Flash."

"You're talking like we're never going to see each other again." I said to him.

He shrugged. "Well like Thea said, we're not going to see you for another twenty seven years."

"Why aren't you saying goodbye to us?" Bart asked.

Barry laughed. "Because we know we'll be seeing you in about eight years anyway."

He turned back to me. "Now that we know you're immune to temporal changes. If you don't like twenty forty nine. You can always come back. Although I think you're going to fit right in."

Iris and Barry hugged me before disappearing back into S.T.A.R Labs.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked them.

"This is goodbye for us too. We have to return to the point in which we left." Nora said giving me a watch and typing a date on it. "Just start running and keep going until you feel the ground begin to disappear, when you enter the wormhole you'll be in the speedforce. Keep this date in your head when you run and you'll return at this exact point." Nora said crying. "Do not stop for anything."

Bart saluted me before disappearing in a flash of yellow.

"Come find me." Nora smiled as she grabbed my face and closed the gap to kiss me. "I'll be waiting."

In a flash of purple she was gone.

I smiled. "Time to go home." I said looking at the watch.

And with a final look at the security monitor next to me. I disappeared in a flash of blue electricity.

I closed my eyes as I ran circles around the pipeline over and over until it felt like I had began to float and I entered the swirling blue wormhole in front of me.

As I ran memories began to flash against the side of the Speedforce.

"I love you." My moms voice rang out.

Laughter filled the air as me, Nora, Bart, Cecile, Allegra, Frost, and Chester together laughing.

Images of me fighting villains as the Spider flashed across.

"Honey, can you get the door." A man's voice echoed. I had heard that voice before. From a long distant memory.

"Yes, Richard." A voice replied. Madison's voice. My moms.

And in a rush I was standing in front of a door. A burn trail left behind me on the wood. Dressed in a blue bomber jacket, a white tshirt, a pair of white shoes, and a pair of black jeans my suit had suddenly disappeared.

The watch I had been wearing had become particularly warm and I knew it housed my suit, maybe even both of them.

"Thanks Nora." I said to myself.

The door rushed open and there stood Madison, with a plate in her hand that she had been cleaning.

Her face suddenly went pale when she saw me and the plate began to fall in slow motion, my feet sparked with electricity as I quickly caught the plate.


"Hi, mom." I said handing the plate back to her. "I'm home."


That marks the end of my second book in the series. Took many breaks with this over the last year but I'm finally satisfied with the way it ended!

Again, as always, thank you for the much appreciated support and I love every single one of you for reading, commenting, and voting.

I ask for one last favor below...

Let me know if you want to see a third book in this series. I have some ideas, but I want to make sure it's something you guys want!

Thank you again, Peace and Love!

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