Chapter Twenty Four- Cellular Bonding

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I pulled open the door to Jitters and entered the coffee shop. No sight of the people I was supposed to be meeting. Must've been upstairs.

"I'll get one Flash." I said to the barista.

"Make it two." Allegra said appearing next to me.

I did a double take before I realized it was her. "Oh hey, I think I was supposed to meet you here." I said to her.

She laughed. "Yeah, I tried to get your attention down the street, even with your enhanced hearing I guess someone has selective hearing."

"I'm sorry." I said pulling out my card. "I was busy thinking."

Allegra went to pull her money out of her purse and I stopped her.

"On me." I said. "For ignoring you."

She smiled. "Thanks."

I nodded.

"So, you worried about Nora?" Allegra asked going back to our conversation.

I gave a small shrug. "It's weird, I know she's going to be perfectly fine. Just a couple days out of the field, still worries me though."

"That must suck, worrying about someone you know is going to be okay." Allegra said. "I can't imagine what she went through when you got your ass beat on top of Iron Heights."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Seriously?"

She laughed. "Oh, I went there."

We grabbed our coffees and headed up the stairs.

"Hey guys." Bart said as we appeared at the top of the steps.

Thea, Chester, Frost, and Bart were sitting at the long table on the far wall.

"What took you guys so long?" He asked us.

"I was finishing up the police report on Discord." I said to him. "Love my job, hate the paperwork."

"That's what Nora always says." Bart said to me.

"Have you even been over there since she broke her back?" Frost asked.

I fiddled with my cup of coffee.

"He hasn't." Bart said answering for me.

I gave him the 'really man' look.

"What? You haven't." He said sounding slightly disappointed.

"She told me she wanted to do this the right way." I said to everyone. "Slow."

Chester snorted. "So, she broke her back to slow it down?"

Everyone just have him a look and Allegra slapped his arm.

"Too soon?"

"Luke, come on, you can be so smart but so dumb?" Bart asked me. "She's been moping around for the last couple of days."

"Are you sure?" I asked spinning my cup. "Won't she think I'm being clingy."

"I've had my own body for like a year and even I know that checking in on someone is not being clingy." Frost said rolling her eyes.

"Speaking of relationships." I said to nobody in particular.

A quick punch under the table from Allegra got me to shut my mouth and change the subject real quick.

I winced before speaking. "Thea, how's your boy search going?"

Thea rolled her eyes and put her head in her hands. "I'm not looking."

"Whatever you say." I said putting my hands behind my head and leaning back on my chair. "Do we have any bad guys to catch?"

Frost shook her head. "While you and Nora were road tripping, we mopped up most of the metas that had escaped during the Force Storm."

"So, we have a squad with no one to fight?" I asked.

"We're like a cool friend group." Chester said.

Everyone just rolled their eyes at him.

"Isn't it weird, no big bads. It's just a normal life." I said. "Kind of."

"You can stick to walls and everyone thinks I'm their favorite character from Frozen." Frost said. "Nothing will ever be normal."

"Not to mention we have a portable microwave." Chester said earning a hard glare from Allegra.

My phone buzzed and I took it out to see who had texted me.

"S.T.A.R. Labs. There's something you need to see." Caitlin had texted.

"Who's that?" Thea asked from across the table. "Nora?"

I shook my head and stood up still looking at the text confused.

"It's Caitlin, she needs me at S.T.A.R Labs." I said looking at Bart who nodded at me as he stood up.

"Maybe she just needs help getting something high in the air." Thea said pretending to shoot webs.

"Then why does it feel like I just got called down the principals office." I said before I was pulled away in a yellow flash.

Caitlin had attached wires to me as I sat on the end of the operation table still unaware of what was going on.

Both Bart and Barry were in the room which worried me even more. Not Bart but Barry.

"Barry, look at this." Caitlin said showing Barry her iPad that was holding my vital charts.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I asked confused.

Caitlin walked over and showed me the iPad. Showing a bunch of black dots. "These are your vitals and cell charts from before you took the Velocity Serum." She flipped the screen. "These are after we injected you with the serum." The black dots were now blue and were moving rapidly. She flipped the screen one more time revealing half black and half blue dots. "These are your current cells."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Luke, it looks almost as if your Spider and your Speedster D.N.A have bonded to permanently change your D.N.A." She said to me.

"That doesn't make sense, I don't have my speed and Nora said that her velocity was perfected. That it wouldn't cause any side effects." I said to Barry and Caitlin confused. "That would explain why I've been so adhd heavy and I've been eating so much recently." I said scratching my head.

"Barry, his cells are moving in a way that yours did when you lost your speed. Same with Jay." Caitlin said to him.

"It doesn't make sense, unless." Barry said itching his head. "I need to do some investigating." He said before disappearing in a dark orange flash.

"Here take this." Caitlin said to me. "It'll give me a constant update on your vitals, just to keep an eyes on them. But you seem to be doing okay, more of just a precaution."

I nodded.

"Thank you." I said to her.

I turned to Bart.

"Can you bring me to see Nora?"

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