Chapter Fifteen- Hero's Heart

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"Is that my suit?" Barry asked looking at me and looking back at the empty mannequin.

I smirked. "Do you like it? Nora helped me make it."

Barry looked at Nora who was smiling.

"I really liked that suit." Barry said frowning. "Anyway, what are we gonna do about Godspeeds Ultimatum?"

"We have to give him what he wants, organic speed." Nora said as I kicked up my silver boots on the desk.

Everyone was shocked by what Nora had just said. I didn't know a lot about this Godspeed figure but Nora had been fighting him for years. She knew him best.

"Nora, I'm never going to do that." Barry said crossing his arms.

"Dad, everything will be destroyed." Nora pleaded. "Not just Bart, but whole families, and when he finds out I perfected Velocity. He'll come for Luke too. We have to protect them."

"What about our family?" Barry said to her. "If Hart is Bart's Thawne, that means he's already caused Bart a lifetime of suffering and pain. But we can stop this, here, in this time by finding another way."

"But we've tried everything dad, and nothings worked. And now Bart's dying, and we're still no closer to ending this damn war!" Nora and her parents argued back and forth. This Nora was a lot more argumentative that then last one.

"Nora, honey, if his clones could do this to your brother, then what do you think would happen if we gave Hart organic speed." Iris said and she had a point.

"It just all feels hopeless, Nora said finally giving up." She cried, I had a feeling that had a double meaning after all. She never told anyone about what Godspeed took from her that drove her hatred for him.

"It never is. Promise you that." Jay said speaking up.

"He's right. As long as we're still standing, we can still win this. Let's go check on your brother." Iris said as her and Nora left into the room to see Bart.

Leaving just Jay and I in the cortex.

"Kid?" Jay said to him.

Barry turned to him.

"I know giving Hart his powers back is crazy but if we don't, we'd better come up with another idea." Jay said considering all our options. "A big one."

"Not a big one." Barry said looking at me. "A fast one."

I choked on my spit and stood up. "Are you talking about?"

Barry nodded to me.

"Okay, Lukas." I heard Jay say to me as I ran through the speed track. "Incoming."

It came quicker than I expected and I immediately slid under the barricade and kept running.

"Heads up." He said as one came out of the ground that I easily mantled.

"Here it comes." He said to me as a ball of lightning came hurtling towards.

I was too slow it struck me into the chest and sent me spiraling down the ramp at his feet.

He helped me to my feet as I dusted myself off. "You see things slower than the human eyes to begin with, then you get speed and it's still not enough to see that coming."

"Mr. Garrick." I said politely. "I just got these powers. "I'm trying my best."

He patted me on the back. "You're doing great kid. You can phase semi decent, you got the lightning bolt down. Let's see what else."

"Can you teach me a unique ability?" I asked him.

"A what?"

"You know, Nora's got her lasso and Bart can throw ninja stars." I said. "And you got your helmet frisbee."

He scowled at me. "Did you just call it a frisbee?"

"Isn't that what it is?" I asked him.

He rolled his yes before he smiled at looked at my vitals. "I got something in mind, you ready?"

I bounced up and down. After taking Velocity it felt like my adhd has increased tenfold.

"What you want me to do coach?" I asked as lightning danced around the bottom of my feet.

"You're going to run around the track as fast as you can, generating as much electricity as you can throughout your body and when I say, you're going to come off the ramp and do a massive barrel roll releasing all that lightning throughout the room." Jay said as he disappeared and returned with four test dummies.

(Think of Thor when he did this in Ragnarok while you're reading this part)

Not going to lie this sounded like fun.

I took off through the speed track, blue lightning spiraling around the track through the glass.

I could feel it in my blood as the lightning began to arch around my body as it bounced around the speed track.

"Now!" Jay yelled.

I flew down the ramp and jumped into the air twisting my body around at high speeds and released the lightning.

As one would assume it struck all the right marks, but also managed to find the electronics short circuiting everything else.

Jay stood up slowly covering his head before he began laughing.

"Lukas, that was a fine job. We'll have to work on the accuracy a little bit but you'll get that down in no time."

"Actually, Mr. Garrick." I said to him. "I don't know if I'm going to keep my speed when all of this is over."

He looked at me confused. "You've been granted an amazing gift. Why would you even think about giving it up?"

I shrugged and put my hands over my head pulling the mask backwards. "You know, I was normal for so long and then DeVoe's satellite gave me these powers and it I take this speed I'll be turning my back on them. Those powers make me who I am."

He shook his head. "You were never normal. The world has put things into motion. From the death of your mother, to becoming a scientist, to your spider powers, to Nora, to Thea, to becoming a speedster." Jay said to me. "As much as you want to, you don't get to make your own future. The speed force sets these choices in motion for you to take Velocity whether you like it or not."

"The Spider, it made me who I am." I said to him. "I was nothing without it."

Jay looked at me. "If you're nothing without those powers then you shouldn't have them. Your heart makes you who you are." He said pushing a finger into the lightning bolt across my chest.

"Are you seriously going to movie quote me about my powers?" I asked him. "You're a speedster, a hero, how did you even have time to watch that?"

"I had a lot of downtime before I got my speed back."

A/N Multiple Chapters coming tonight really in the mood to wrap up Season Seven so sit tight and Enjoy!

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