💛 The Escort [M]

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So this 10,000 word one shot starts off with a plot and then it basically just turns into porn 😅 so enjoy.

I actually have 70 unfinished drafts and prompts in this book and it makes me so annoyed I haven't written them all 😭

Please remember this is labelled mature for a reason. I won't give a maturity age because everyone's different but if you don't like reading explicit sex between two men then don't read beyond these warning signs ⚠️⚠️

The Bartender

I polished the same clean glass one more time as my eyes drifted about the room. I rarely did Tuesday nights, it was usually my day off. It was an understatement to say I was less than thrilled to be there.

However, as always,,I found myself in need of a little extra cash so took on the overtime. The tax would be a bitch but I'd have to deal with it if I wanted to make rent this month.

Weekdays were usually dead but this was insane; there must have been an event on somewhere because I'd only made 3 drinks in the past hour. The footy was on, perhaps that was why, I'd much rather be watching that then be in the restaurant that's for sure.

A few regulars to the restaurant milled about, it was only 8 o'clock no one would be ordering anything more interesting than a beer or a screwdriver until 9 when it was 2 for 1 cocktails.

I sighed and put down that glass, choosing another one and leaning against the back of the bar whilst my eyes drifted to the front door. Bernard, one of our more infamous regulars was picking a table. The 70 year old came in here so much he had a bottle of wine in the fridge with his name on it.

More interestingly though, was which escort he'd brought with him tonight, my eyes drifted to the boy stood behind him, his green eyes wandering curiously around the restaurant as he waited for his Client to finish talking to Claire, our manager working front of house tonight.

This one was seriously hot. Like drop dead handsome. With looks like that I was sure he must have been a male model, once my eyes were set on him I couldn't remove them. Somehow, the young lad managed to look innocent as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and followed the waitress to their table, he didn't seem bored or disgusted by being there with the old man. He actually seemed to be willing to enjoy himself. It made a nice change.

To avoid being caught staring, I looked away and cleaned out the Guiness pumps as Claire made her way to me. "He'll have 2 of his usual starter. Open up a tab on his card too while you're at it."

"Yes ma'am." I got to work, mixing up two old fashioned on the rocks just the way Mr Marlin liked them before swinging over to the computer to add those to his tab.

I had a few drinks orders come in from the balcony tables so was happy for the distraction. As the tables began filling up in the restaurant the time started to move faster. One table ordered a round of Long Island ice teas when it was busy and I had to curse them internally but it was part of the job and hey, if you are here to get smashed then that drink is always a good choice.

There was a lull in business when everyone had been served and I took a second to take a breather. It had been a long 2 weeks of no days off and I was starting to crave a holiday or even just a chill night out with my mates. Working all the time sucked ass and although I loved my job and loved the people I met, I was just craving some me time. Maybe a chance to go out and meet a girl. Spend some time at other bars and be the one buying the drinks rather than making them for once.

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