💙 Magpie

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This Is a completely unedited AU fic Ive been writing for the past two hours after talking to AnDrmyOTP . Who encouraged me to write this concept as a short fic... This is as Short as i could make it 😅

I haven't read it back so I haven't a clue if it'll make sense. It's non-slash (ikr I don't write many of those) but it can also be slash if you want it too, it's all down to interpretation. So please enjoy 🔥

"Congratulations Anthony. You should be very proud."

"I am sir, Thankyou so much." I bow my head and accept my medal, failing massively to hide my grin as the weight presses down around my neck. The medal was a special award to recognise the obstacles I overcame to get my degree.

I hold my certificate in one hand and shake the mayors hand with the other, as instructed, I smile at the camera, catching my family waving at me manically from the side and I swiftly make my way off the stage thankfully without falling over. .

As soon as I'm off the stage, a big brown haired mass is jumping into my arms. My Mam quickly snatches my degree from my hand before Declan can crumple it and I just beam into his shoulder. This is the proudest moment of my life.

"Anth youse looked so good up there!!"

Dec is smaller than me, but he's still a fully grown lad and I find myself buckling after too long of holding him. As soon as he has two feet on the ground, his pupils are blown wide with wonder and it's like there's no attention left for me anymore, his focus is totally on my giant silver medal.

"Woah shiny." He whispers in wonder and I chuckle, knowing what's required of me. I roll my eyes affectionately and lift the medal off my neck and down onto his.

He watches it fall to his chest happily, lifting it up in his hand, his green eyes twinkle in joy. I laugh knowing Im never going to see that medal again now but I don't really mind a bit as long as he's happy. I pull the younger man into a side hug, pressing a chaste kiss to his fluffy brown hair and remembering everything that took us to this point.

Myself and Declan both didn't have the best starts in life.

I was abandoned when I was very young, I can't remember my Mam or Dad, I grew up in an orphanage and nobody knows the reason but i was an extremely anxious child. I didn't know how to make friends, how to interact with not just kids my own age but anyone. Normally, the very young kids in the system got adopted quickly but no one wanted the silent kid that didn't know how to play.

As a result, I spent my early years meeting happy couples of all shapes and sizes, then watching them pick a child and take them home with them forever. A child that was never me. By 7 I was already quite jaded, even after trying to be friendly my shyness just wasn't attractive to families, nobody wanted me and I knew it.

By 9, when adoption rates for kids my age decreased, I'd stopped trying to be liked. I lived in a big house full of orphaned but I didn't talk to any of them and when we had adoption days, I stood in the corner, uncomfortable, waiting for it to end so I could go back to my

That was until Declan came to the orphanage.

A lot of cute kids came and went very quickly. They were the type of children no one would bother getting to know because they weren't going to be staying for long. When I was younger I'd call them the adoptables. I thought Declan was an adoptable when I first say him.

He was only 6 years old, younger than me by 2 years and was quite small, even for his age. He was adorable though, he had all his baby fat still and these big green eyes that seemed to hold a constant twinkle. I'm pretty sure he had freckles too, those faded as he got older but to me, he was the most adoptable child we'd ever had at the orphanage.

My Ant and Dec One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now