💙 Primadonna III [M]

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If you've come this far the warning seems pointless but please remember this is all Smut. Don't read stuff you don't feel comfortable with.

Enjoy :)

"Sit on the end of your bed with your legs spread and hands behind your back. Wait for me."

Anthony smirked when he didn't have to tell the brown haired lad twice and watched his red ass bounce as he scurried into the bedroom.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Ant sighed to himself. He'd been trying not to give into this temptation. But he'd already crossed the line so now he had to make the best out of a possibly catastrophic situation- he had a feeling that would be quite easy.

Knowing at some point he'd have to do the walk of shame from Declan's to his own hotel room, Ant pulled off his white shirt and folded it neatly on the side where it wouldn't get dirty.

He wandered over to the drinks cabinet, pouring himself a bourbon and listening to the peaceful sound of testing Dec's patience.

The smaller man did well, better than Ant had expected. But a needy whine travelled from the bedroom before the manager had even finished his first drink. Putting the glass down, Ant licked his lips of the smooth, sweet taste of alcohol and followed the call.

Leaning against the doorframe, casting a large shadow at the entrance of the room,  Ant smiled to the sight that greeted him. The sweetest of fruits sat waiting for him, looking so delicious and ripe, ready to be eaten.

Dec's chest glistened with sweat, his obvious hard-on clearly making it difficult to sit still for so long. He would have felt bad, had Ant not believed being forced to wait was one of the reasons the brat was still so turned on.

"Getting impatient, Mr Donnelly?"

The actor had to fight off the Moan from the top of his tongue and only just managed to force a glare in the younger man's direction.

Mustering up all his courage and mixing it with the last bit of dignity the naked, horny man had left, Dec bit back, "You're a bastard. You know that right?"

"Well you're not the first to say it and I doubt you'll be the last. You'll also be thanking me for this later."

"You can't be so sure of that."

Anthony's eyes flickered down over Dec's body at the challenge, that one look breaking down all of the smaller man's false confidence and leaving him feeling even more stripped than he already was.

"Oh see I can be. Because it's your reward. Now, you decide what you want."

Declan thought it was pretty bloody obvious what he wanted. He was sat naked, legs already spread, flushed and horny. It didn't take a genius to work out what his body was craving. But then his interest peaked and he let out a slow breath, was the dark haired man really letting him have control? It hadn't ended well before...

"You don't have to let take the lead."

"Nice try. I never said you'd be taking the lead. I said you get to choose what happens. Make no mistake. I'll be in control."

Declan swallowed thickly, but his usual arrogance pulled through and he found himself unable to hold his tongue as it sassed.

"What if I choose to be in control?"

Ant hesitated but Declan pushed.

"It's my reward isn't it?"

Taking in a relaxing breath, Ant calmed some. His slowly dying patience was the only thing stopping the taller man from forcing the Geordie actor back into submission.

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