💜 How I met my husband

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This is One of my 107 drafts 😅

This is my attempt at proving I can write small fluffy fic with no angst like everyone else 😂 as stated this is just a small fiction of cuteness.

Hi. I'm Ant, and this is the story of how I met my husband.

I can't really say I'm proud of how it went exactly, but hey the man married me didn't he?

It was a pretty normal day at work, i was on my way out ready to go to my mother's house for a late lunch when she called me asking if I could pick up my  sisters on my way.

It had been a little out of my way but the traffic was light so In good time I'd parked up outside, wondering through the gates to pick up the girls.

There were hundreds of little kids running around, it was chaos, i shifted my way through the younger generation in its masses until I found Emma who beamed when she saw me and tapped Sarha repeatedly to get her attention.

They ran from their teaching assistant and immediately came in for hugs. Emma was her usual happy self but Sarha clung to me a little longer and when I pulled her back so I could see her face it was blotched and tear stained.

"Awe Sarha sweetie what's wrong? Are you hurt? Did something happen?"

"S-some Boy s-said me n-not pre-*hic*tyy." She whimpered, falling to cry against my shoulder and I glared angrily at some random boy who walked past- the innocent primary school child squeaked in fear and ran off crying.

With a deep sigh I hugged my baby sister tightly and shook my head, "Oh sweetie you mustn't listen to boys! You are pretty! Very pretty."

"But Mr Donnelly says that beauty is on the inside." Emma pitched in unhelpfully and I had no filter to control my automatic reply.

""Well yeah but that's just what ugly people say."

Emma giggled and Sarha snickered a little but I jumped when a hand tapped me on the shoulder.

"Is that really what you should be teaching your daughters Mr...."

I spun around immediately and froze at the man stood above me. My mouth fell open in amazement as I took in the sweetest Face i'd ever seen. This man was gorgeous and I was immediately in love.

I stumbled to my feet and rubbed my sweaty palms, stuttering through my reply meekly.

"Ant." I stated quickly, "M-my names Ant and they aren't my daughters actually... I'm single— I-I mean I'm their brother— Who is also single. I mean not that it matters but y'know... just uh... not married and no kids."

I winced from the humiliation. I was usually a lot smoother than that but this guy had be totally blown out of comfort zone. He was so hot! And when he laughed at my awkwardness, god it was embarrassing but he sounded so angelic.

"See!" Emma exclaimed admidst the chaos. "Mr Donnelly isn't ugly!"

I chuckled and blushed, shaking my head. "N-no..." my blue eyes flickered up from my shoes to meet his pretty green ones, "No you're certainly not."

A rosy tint lit up his cheeks and he fiddled with the landyard around his neck. He was dressed just as a primary school teacher should, smart but colourful. He had a white shirt, light pink tie and grey cardigan. Very cute. I was obsessed.

"I Uh... haven't seen you here before Mr Donnelly. Are you new?"

"Somethin' like that. Transferred here a couple months ago."

I just kind of gawked at him a little, unsure how I could have been so lucky that a guy like that just seemed to fall from the heavens into my presence. I wanted to ask him out, but wasn't sure how to do it and far too scared of the rejection that would follow.

Whilst i was dawdling, the smaller man clearly felt uncomfortable and mumbled, "W-well I should go, it was nice to meet you Ant."

"Yeah you too." I said automatically before I internally slapped my stupid face and shook my head, "I mean no!"


"No I mean it was nice to meet you. But uh... don't go yet... can I just ask uh... maybe I could buy you a drink later? You could give me a few tips on motivational speaking to 7 year olds." I joked weakly, not my best comedic performance but he still had the good manors to laugh that pretty laugh.

He bit his lip ans toed the ground shyly. "As lovely as that sounds Ant, I'm sorry but don't you think it would be a little inappropriate? Teachers don't usually have drinks with their students family." My heart fell further through my stomach with every word. I wanted him and I sure as hell wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Well I mean you only teach Emma right? And I'm just her brother— half brother even so we aren't even that closely related."

"Hey!" The little girl aimed a firm kick at my shin and I hopped onto one leg.

"Owe!" I glared down at her and rubbed the bruising area. "Geddoff us man go talk to you friends."

Dec's eyes were wide in disbelief at our squabbling and giggled, "Did you just disown your sister to get a date with me Ant?"

"Well you know what they say, water is thicker than blood."

"I'm pretty sure that's not—"

"Unimportant ain't it, i think you should meet me at the greyhound at 8. Do you know it?"

He blushed again and that told me all I needed to know. The greyhound was a small gay bar on the other side of town, If he knew of it it was because he'd been before.

Twisting shyly, the dreamy teacher flickered his eyes up to mine and smiled, "Aye I know it."

I grinned in success not quite able to believe how lucky I was and how well this was going all things considered. "Great, I'll see you there then."

Mr Donnelly blinked helplessly, as though he couldn't quite comprehend what just happened as I started backing away with my girls either side of me.

"S-See ya." I grinned even wider and smirked a little at how he was now the one to stutter. It was amazing, I had only just met him and already felt like the luckiest guy on earth.

I sure as hell could not wait until that evening at all and from then on, the rest of our lives together.

It was no secret to those who knew us but after that first date, we both fell deeply in love. There was no better way to describe it other than he was made for me, we just clicked and we had so much in common. He was one of the only people who could make me laugh and one of the only men who could have me blushing with just a smile.

After a year of dating we moved in together and after another year I proposed by a lake on our holiday in Switzerland.

Everyday I fell more and more in love with him and everyday he brought a little bit of his sunshine into my life.

Our wedding day was the best day of my life.

10 years on the flame hasn't died, we are still deeply and madly in love. We get on- although Dec never fails to remind me and everyone else, that the first time I met him I'd called him ugly.

But I don't regret it, because that will forever be, how I met my husband.

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