❤️ Judge [M-lil bit]

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A weird little fic I wrote a while ago and never got an ending to but randomly finished it tonight.

It's unedited, i haven't reread it and you guys know what I'm like so I apologise in advance for all the issues.

Please enjoy anyway ❤️

Have you ever had one of those one night stands? Sex that was just so good that it put all others to shame? Sex that left you so high and spaced out that you forget to get their number or even their name?

Well that happened to me.

It all started the week before my first big criminal trial. I'm a lawyer see, well in fact I was a lawyer until I passed my Bar Professional Training course and became the youngest judge in the north east. I'm only 26 but Id spent those 26 years of my life preparing for my future in criminal justice... so I never really went out to enjoy myself.

Im not sure how I got there, but my friend Stevie suggested that just once, we relax from work and celebrate. Do something crazy before I, once again, got all tied up in my own little world of fighting the corrupt social system piece by little piece.

Stevie was well acquainted with the party side of town so I'd followed his lead and even didn't argue too much when he suggested we go into the local gay bar which had just opened.

There were so many men. I was a little shell shocked at first, i had guys come up to me without hesitation and ask to buy my a drink. I'd never received that kind of attention at a
Straight bar before so no wonder I didn't know how to say no and ended up drinking far past my limit.

I wasn't particularly looking to take anyone home. The Night had been a nice experience and was something I would be tempted to repeat had I ever received the chance.

I was ready to leave and probably would have had this one guy not caught my eyes. Initially I was terrified, because he was just my type. Dark hair, handsome, intimidating, everything I dreamed about.

He was sat in the VIP booth with a group of equally scary looking men, they were talking and joking around him but he didn't seem to see them, his eyes were fixed on mine and the smallest of smiles tickled his lips.

I'd blushed and quickly moved my eyes back to my lap shyly, twiddling my thumbs and pretending to be interested in something the bartender was doing. A moment later I glanced back up but must have left it a moment too long because by the time I was brave enough to look around for him. He was out of sight.

I sighed to myself, shrugging and moving to leave to where I was supposed to meet Stevie outside. As i went to turn I was suddenly stopped by a hand on my wrist, I jumped a little but turned to see the owner of that hand was only the man I'd just been seeking out a second ago.

My heart skipped a beat at his gentle blue eyes and soft smile. "Hey. Where do you think you're running off to?" He asked, stepping a little closer but letting go of my arm so I'd be able to back away if I really wanted to.

I blushed and stuttered shyly, "O-oh yeah I-I was just gonna head home."

"Alone? A pretty guy like you? I don't believe it. Guys have been hitting on you all night."

"I-I mean t-they we're all lovely but I dunno... don't want to be that easy."

"Uhm? Well I have some time, I'd like to try hard if you're willing to take a chance on me."

I really couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was so smooth! Had I not completely lied already by saying I liked to play hard to get I would have bent over the bar for him as soon as he grabbed my wrist. He was so much hotter than any of the guys I'd attracted that night.

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