❤️ Dont Pet the Student [M]

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A smutty birthday present to a very deserving Birthday Boy 🥰🎁❤️❤️

Its unedited cause I'm sleepy but hopefully you enjoy anyway.

Veryyyy smutty towards the end, you've been warned...

Dec's PoV

Rule Number One of being a Professor: Never sleep with your students.

That piece of advice had stuck with the young Professor and he was uncertain when exactly he'd elected to ignore it.

Was it when he took his student home? Was it when he stripped naked outside his room? Was it when his student shamelessly tried to coax him into his bed? Or was it when he was laid out, back arched on the mattress, his legs spread and tongue pushing into the younger man's soft, pink lips.

Declan had always been sure he liked older men, big tough men who could throw him about the room and In his youth, the type that could carry him on their shoulders at music festivals.

Never did he imagine the boys at university could be those men. Never did he imagine a student at his university could be the man to bring the suppressed little submissive up out of its hiding, just begging for affection and approval.

Old soul. The Geordie scoffed in his head. Dec couldn't really say he'd ever properly noticed Anthony McPartlin, he'd been on his radar though. Not just because he was unapologetically good looking but because he was the quiet kid in a group of loud boys. He was the boy constantly bouncing his knee or banging his pencil, the boy who never wrote down a thing in Declan's lectures but never failed a test either. His scores weren't perfect, but they weren't without a natural affinity to grasps concepts simply spoken to him. Dec had always been impressed but from afar. He knew his name was Anthony McPartlin. He knew little else and the Professor had definitely never thought of learning more, let alone of sleeping with him.

That was why it was terrifying for Dec, that this sweet, shy, 21 year old introvert with some major undiagnosed ADHD had him wrapped around his little finger after just one night.

"Uh sir?"

Green eyes shot up to the student on the front row and continued to just stared at them, slowly coming back to reality. The Girl gave her Professor an awkward smile, "Uh You were saying....? About the direction of shear?"

Staring down at his workings, Dec blinked, looking at his missing value for S with a weak thud of the heart. That was the moment he realised he must've been teaching on auto pilot, had he just gone through an entire mechanics example without thinking? Is it correct? Damn, professor Donnelly thought, I'm good.

Declan coughed, clearing his throat and trying to recover, unsure just how long he'd been zoned out.

"Yes so Uh shear force is our value for P times the sin of theta can someone do that on their calculators now? It's too late on a Friday to do it my head."

"3.84, sir."

Nodding as that number rang true, Declan put pen to paper, "Alright 3.84 and there we go. We've evaluated internal forces of the members at equilibrium." Trying to regain his flow, Professor Donnelly kept rambling, "Dont forget theres no point writing out all your workings in the exam but then not taking a second to write down what sign convention you are using. Show me you know what you're doing and why you're doing it. I don't care about numbers so long as the method is right."

Dec eyes flickered to his watch and then up at the lecture hall full of vaguely interested students. "I have ten minutes left so unless there are any burning questions about the example I've just worked through I'll quickly speed through the next one on my slides."

My Ant and Dec One shotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя