💜 The Driver I

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This chapter is Not smutty but the second part definitely will be. This has been sat in my drafts for ages and I'm just now starting to finish it. I think this part as a stand alone is quite good so hope you guys enjoy it :)

The photo above shows about the ages I imagined the boys In this

"Uh hi. I'm Anthony McPartlin. Im starting a trial shift here today."

"Oh, no one told me anything, I'll have a look. Which office was it?"

Shyly, I scratched the back of my neck and looked at the piece of paper in my hands, "I Uh... I don't know the office."

"Okayyyyy just a second." The young lady typed away at her computer and then sat up, "Oh. Yes 2 o'clock appointment. You're the new security driver right? For Mr Donnelly? You should have said. Just wait at the side sir and someone will be down for you in just a moment."

"Thankyou Ma'am."

I did as I was told, standing tall and taking in my surroundings from the side. This Building was massive, for a company that had only been in business for 3 years it was growing faster than anything this relatively small, but powerful, island had ever seen. Working for a company with such good prospects was a jackpot for me, If I could somehow keep this job Id be set. The money would be good enough to get me back on my feet again... maybe lead to even better opportunities in the future.

I straightened my back when a scrawny male stepped into the building and began striding in my direction with dutiful purpose. He grinned, almost cheekily after his curious eyes slipped up and down my body, "You must be the Driver."

"Anthony McPartlin, Sir." I shook the slightly taller mans hand, firmly but not crushingly so, "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr..."

"Mulhern. Mr Donnelly's assistant. But please don't bother with the formalities. Just call me Stephen— or Stevie. If you're successful today you'll be seeing a lot of me." He chuckled but there seemed to be a hint of genuineness behind his words. Wasting no time at all, Stephen started leading the way back to the lift. "Okay so everything you need to know, there are 3 Main fire exits on the ground floor. The Front Lobby, the back doors and one no one ever spots—"

"The one behind the reception desk."

Stephen smirked as I turned to stand next to him in the lift and he nodded, "Nice, bet you didn't count the security cameras though."


"Not 20?"

"No, the two positioned around the disabled toilets are motion sensors. Not cameras, similar design so they are commonly confused but are angled differently."

"You've clearly already figured out you're being tested so I'll ask you one last question. How were you to know I was really Declan's assistant?"

I snarled and shot the taller man a glare, grinding my jaw angrily from the humiliation of being out smarted and called out on my mistake, "I don't."

He seemed to take great pride in that and grinned, "No, you don't. So it's too late now, I'm already on my way up." Suddenly, i froze and my breath left my lungs when the familiar tip of a gun pressed against my back, "What do you do now?"

"Doesn't matter what I do."

"You're giving up that easily?"

I glared at my reflection in the perfectly polished chrome doors and watched the number flicker up slowly, "No. I mean it doesn't matter what I do. You aren't getting out of this lift."

Stephen jabbed the gun into my back harder and hissed, "I think you're forgetting who has the gun."

"You may have the gun but you messed up before you'd even started."

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