💜 The Driver II

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Can't believe the first part of this was from November 🤯

There is another (more mature) part to this story coming soon so stay tuned! For now here's the drama

The problem with security work was that It gave me plenty of time alone with my thoughts, just thinking, and every time I looked at Mr Donnelly I was thinking about that kiss.

I liked to think, after working for him for so long that i knew he quite well. But for someone so open and caring, he was an extremely private person. I think he knew a hella lot more about me then I did about him, this was not only terrifying but left me with no way of knowing what that peck on the cheek meant.

It had been a whole week.

An entire week spent in his company and I was no closer to solving the puzzle. I think he actually liked it that way, there was this cheeky glint in his eyes that made me think maybe he was playing a game with my heart.

But then I remembered the family he went home to every night and knew he would never risk ruining paradise for someone like me.

I lifted the cigarette to my lips and turned my head so I didn't blow smoke into random passers by on the street.

I didn't smoke on the job if I could help it, but I 2 hours ago I was told to stand by the car until Declan had finished his meeting and the cravings had gotten a little unmanageable. I'd become bored out of my mind, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious but action was sparse this far from his usual business dealings. Despite my complaining, I knew the importance of the meeting to Mr Donnelly, so I didn't mind waiting aimlessly.

I walked over to the smoker bin by the building entrance, not even flinching at the burn on my finger tips as I drank in the last of the cigarette before stumping it out on the cold metal.

Of course in the exact moment that I left my post for the first time in the 2 hours, Declan stormed out of the building reaching the car and looking around for me, confused.

I swore and ran towards him he turned on me and winced. "God you stink of smoke."

The Critism hurt but it was fair and I accepted it, "I'm sorry, sir. Won't happen again."

"Whatever. just drive me home. That was a fucking disaster. Urgh." I tripped over myself opening the car door for him to jump into his usual space on the middle back seat before closing it and running around to the drivers side. Pulling away as soon as the engine was running.

The Rage was Rolling off the Young Business man, I could feel it bubbling in the back of the car and shifted, feeling helpless being so far away from him when I wanted to make it better.

"Are you okay, sir?" I asked, trying to catch his gaze in the rear view mirror but he was just angrily typing on his laptop.

"Do you know how many staff I have working under me Anthony?"

I was a little thrown off by his use of my full name but tried to think. I thought about how big his offices were but knew that was just his headquarters. His business was vast and complicated, i couldn't even grasp the scope of it.

"N-no, sir."

"2784. Do you know how many people I've had working on this project?"

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