🧡 A Parent Person

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A little fluffy one shot for you - Young ant and Dec In modern AU❤️

"Mam! Mam! Where'd you put me shoes!?" Twenty year old Declan shouted at the top of his lungs whilst running at top speed down the stairs.

"On the shoe rack honey, where the shoes live. What's got you in such a rush?"

"Ant just texted and wants me to meet some of his friends." Declan supplied with his tongue stuck out childishly, tugging on his shoes and sliding up to the mirror to triple check his hair.

He was excited and nervous all at the same time. He'd met Ant in college and things moved.... or rather turned physical very quickly because they were in the same dorm so had 'easy access' as Ant put it. But now that they had both gone home for the summer this was the first time they were going to meet up outside of college for a non-school related occasion.

"I'm not sure about this 'Ant' boy Declan, why won't you let us meet him?" His mother inquired slightly nervously, she'd of course heard of Anthony from mothers gossip a long time ago and although she'd vowed never to judge a book by its cover she couldn't help doubt his suitability for her youngest. Declan was sensitive and emotional, not to mention infatuated with this boy. She just didn't want him getting hurt.

"He's quite shy Mam and we've only been dating for like 6 months... I'll ask him today what he thinks but I don't wanna seem pushy." The Young Geordie's mother sighed and opened her arms to take her baby into a warm hug.

"Alright have fun okay? Stay safe and make sure you text us where you are."

Declan rolled his eyes and started making his way to the door, "I'm 20 years old Mam, I'll text you if I'm not coming home." And with that he closed the door and started making his way to the river front where he was supposed to be meeting Ant.

Nervousness made the young lads palms sweaty as he approached a group of kids, the type of boys he would normally avoid. They were all having a smoke, leaning against the barrier, laughing and shoving one another.

Declan felt his body relax slightly when he caught the sight of the handsome, young black haired Geordie stood in the middle, trying to bat away a shorter lad trying to steal his cap. Dec hadn't been noticed yet and swallowed down any more anxiety after adjusting his hair once more and tugging down his shirt shyly.

He took a deep breath and tried to catch Ant's eye. Suddenly he got very scared, they were all a lot bigger than him, he'd never really fit in with groups of boys anyway and he was gonna stick out like a sore thumb around these very laddish guys. Atleast Ant was there to look after him, but it had been a week, what if Ant wasn't interested anymore?! What If this was a break up and he wanted to laugh at him infront of all his friends-

Dec's mind was pulled from his worried thoughts when stormy blue eyes flickered up to meet his and made his heart skip a beat. Heat rose through his cheeks and made him look down shyly as the taller boy ditched his cigarette and stepped out of his crowd to greet his boyfriend.

Dec stepped up to him, trying to ignore the curious stares he was getting from Ants friends and looked Into Ants calming eyes.

"Hey." He smiled in his deep geordie accent.

Dec blushed, the smell of cinnamon and cigarettes filling his lungs, he toed the ground, "Hey yourself."

Ant grinned and lifted the smaller boy's head so he could gently press their lips together. Dec melted, all his insecurities flying out the window at the contact as he wrapped his arms around the taller boys strong neck and kissed him back.

The kiss ended pretty quickly but Dec still stayed latched to Ant's neck and buried his face in the collar of his boyfriends jacket while the other stroked his large hand over his back and stood up to his full height.

My Ant and Dec One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now