💙 Bad Guy [M- Skipable]

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SMUT IN THIS STORY IS SKIPABLE (read below for more info)

This is inspired by Billie Ellishes song 'Bad Guy' and is the story of how Ant gets wrapped around Dec's little finger. — It's quite similar to 'Baby boy' in a way but with a role reversal :)

Warnings for some Homophobic slurs and depictions of violence.

As always with my stories there is profanity and a bit of smut... it's not overly graphic though and you can skip it when you get to the first one of these:


And start the story by moving to the next one of these


Please enjoy :)

Ant's POV

"Look Lisa I don't know what you want me to do! Im only going round his place to do the history project with him."

"Oh come on! How can you be so blind?! He wants to get in your pants."

"Dec? No way... he's a guy... and he's so ... so... eh... innocent. He has anxiety issues aswell... cause I think people pick on him. Look you'd like him if you gave him a chance."

"I do know him! He does this... plays innocent but he's as gay as a fairy and he's already already got you wrapped around his finger."

I laugh and close my locker, swinging my bag over my shoulder. "You're joking right? Stop over reacting Lisa."

"He's the 'nerd' who has the captain of the football team helping him with his history homework! He's a bad guy Ant. He's a slut."

I roll my eyes, starting to get annoyed with how she's being so rude about Dec. "You're just jealous Lisa."

"So what if I am! You're meant to be going out with me not him!"

I turn to her with a fire in my eye. "I'm not going out with him! We are doing homework. Now stop being so attention-seeking and mean to Declan." She huffs with tears in her eyes, folding her arms.

"So your protecting him over me!! Have fun with your little fuckbuddy Ant we are over."

"Thank god for that" I growl, placing down my skateboard and rolling the fuck out of there, ignoring the angry shouts of teachers as I sped past them.

I skate my way to Dec's house. My wheels skidding to a stop just beyond the lawn. Oh god What if Lisa's right?... I'm not gay... Am I? Dec wont do that... will he? Maybe I am falling straight into his trap.

I shake my head at the absurdity of it all. She's just paranoid. I press the bell to the door and the small Geordie opens the door smiling up at me. I smile back at him, maybe a little longer than necessary.

"Hey Ant. You came." He states letting me through the door.

"Aye, shall we get to it?" My eyes wonder to his baggy football shorts and oversized hoodie which made him look adorable and tiny. The top slips lazily down his thin pale shoulder and he tugs it up to cover the exposed flesh, a small pink tongue darting out to wet his lips. Mental I laugh at Lisa. No way is he a bad guy.

"Yeah... lets go to my room. You can leave your skateboard and shoes by the door." I do as I'm told and follow him to his large bedroom, not even registering the fact my eyes stay pinned on his backside the whole way up. In his room he has a double bed but no desk. I look around to locate it and then look at him questioningly. He sends me an innocent look before looking at his feet shyly, demolishing the little ounce of doubt i had.

My Ant and Dec One shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ