💚 Rescued I

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Another fic I started writing ages ago and just neglected :( finally managed to finish it though 😮‍💨

This is my first dystopian fiction which I really enjoyed writing. It ended up becoming too long so I had to split it into a 2 parter.

"You're the new guy then?"

I peeked up through the bars of my cage to see a tall man towering over me. I whimpered, feeling small and helpless.

"Oh no don't be scared." Suddenly he was crouching down beside me and he didn't seem so big anymore. I noticed the glitter of a collar on his neck and tilted my head curiously. He's a slave too? The man seemed to notice how I calmed and carefully reached in to stroke my hair from my eyes, I flinched at the action but only a low growl left my throat. For some reason I didn't feel threatened enough to bite him. "That's it, you're safe now. My names Stevie, I'm here to take you home."

This was Strange. Usually when I was bought my new master would come in to inspect me. I peaked around this Stevie man to see if I could see him.

There were only guards by the door. Perhaps I had been returned so many times I'd been sold to a slave instead. Because I'm not good enough for a real master.

"Are you my master?"

Stevie smiled and shook his head, "No, no I'm not. I'm a slave like you. We have the same master now. I think he's gonna like you."

I curled further into a ball and hid my face in my knees, "You're wasting your time. Your Master won't want me."

"Oh don't worry. Master likes broken things and I think he'll like you too."

I shook my head. Why would he buy me if he hadn't met me?

"Im a terrible Slave."

"I know. Returned 6 times uhm? But Don't worry. I was reactive too when I was first taken out of the system. These things take time to heal but you'll get it. Master will be patient, he never gives up on us." Stevie had a kind smile which reached his eyes, I kinda felt like I could trust him. "Now, Anthony isn't it?"

I blinked at my name, people rarely called me that anymore. Hesitantly, I nodded and Stevie smiled some more, putting me at ease, "good well i can't carry you so I'm going to reach in and take your chain. Once I have it I'm going to open the latch and you can come out at your own pace."

My eyes darted from his eyes to his hand which raised ready to take the lead like chain hooked to my collar. I bit my lip as to control myself and nodded as though I had a choice in what he did.

Stevie didn't show any hesitancy, his movements were certain and genuine. He gripped my leash and flipped open the latch to my cage.

I didn't get out at first. The prospect scared me. I'd been in there for so long and usually the guards would bang on the metal bars until the ringing became deafening to force me out. Sometimes if that didn't work they'd use the cattle-prodder.

Stevie gave the leash a gentle tug of encouragement and I focused on his eyes, ready to fight back if I thought he was going to hit me.

Tentatively I shuffled closer to the door, testing the waters to see if putting a hand out would get me beaten. Instead there were only words of encouragement.

"That's good, I know that was hard for you but I need you to come out all the way now, I won't hurt you I promise."

God if I'd had a penny for every time I heard that and ended up bloody on the floor.

My Ant and Dec One shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum