🐺 Wolf - Part 1

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Omfg so cute guys Dec and Isla have matching Nike shoes!! 😍😍

Okay so this is just a random fic I found uncompleted in my drafts so I thought I'd post it and start writing part two while I fight some serious writer block on my other stories 🥰

It's not that good but I love wolves so enjoyed writing it ❤️

Whatever it was, a beast perhaps... it growled, loudly... a real low growl. I couldn't see it yet, but I held my gun up straight and true, aiming for the noise, the threat.

It was unusual to find wolves this far west of the mountains and by the sound of it there was no pack. That was lucky for me I guessed but still, I didn't stand much of a chance against a fully grown canine.

Sweat dripped from my brow and my hands shook, the beast hadn't attacked yet but it also hadn't ran away. It lurked in the shadows, as if staying on guard, warning me off. I couldn't turn my back and I couldn't let the animal live though, so I crept forwards slowly.

A deafening warning bark sounded from the the darkness and I jumped in fear. I'd never seen a wolf behave like that before; first of all when they hunt, they hunt in large packs and keep moving to confuse their pray, they'd never stay in one spot because it made them so much more vulnerable.

As I stepped closer to the bushes and shone my tour he through the tunnel of darkness, I hadn't been ready for what greeted me.

At first Nothing.

Nothing but forest.

Until I shone the light down.

Suddenly In fright, I found myself stumbling backwards after coming face to face with a row of sharp, brilliant white teeth that snarled up at me. The wolf was big, much larger then a common grey one.

It barked and growled furiously at me, it's big green eyes shinning through the narrow slits of its eyelids. I panted from my fright, having been knocked on my ass meant my gun was forgotten beside me. I bum shuffled along the unforgiving forest floor and made no effort to control the fear pouring off me.

My eyes stared back at the beast but it didn't attack, just snarled and growled at me. I frowned, my senses returning, something was wrong.

I couldn't see anything past the wolf's head, the animal had a beautiful sandy-brown coat that glistened with the reflection of my torch light. Had I not been terrified for my life I would have been enthralled by it.

Dicing with death, I very slowly stood up, my hands in the air to show I meant no harm. The beast growled and tried to shuffle back before yelping in pain and letting its head fall limply to the floor. Soft whimpers escaped the wolf's mouth as steam from the warm air hitting the cold winter surroundings puffed out its nostrils in short, sharp pants.

Very slowly, I took a step forward, tiredly the animal growled, its body shaking furiously as it tried to rise to defend itself. I felt bad for it, the wolf was clearly distressed, it hadn't been wanting to attack all along... it had just been frightened by me, wanting nothing more than to defend itself in its vulnerable state.

I took another step forward, the snapping of sticks beneath my feet making me wince and cringe as the animals ears twitched and shuffled around at the sound. He seemed too tired to do much more then released a series of heavy breaths and growls. My eyes flickered over his fur coat which was mainly a warm concoction of brown hues with a few light blonde patches and streaks decorating it.

Then my eyes rested on the bear trap clamped down on its leg and my heart tugged. Hunters traps.

Blood poured from the wolf's calf where the sharp metal teeth were biting down with immense force on the bone, cracking and grinding it down as the animal whimpered helplessly in pain.

My Ant and Dec One shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon