🤍 Firefighter 2 [M]

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This defo needs some work but thought I'd give you it anyway whilst I focus on my big stories 🫡

"You know if you prefer the top bunk we can swap. I actually don't mind." Ant suggested towards the end of the day, just as I was getting settled in bed.

I blinked up at the taller man, blushing when he stretched his back and flashed the dark happy trail peaking out from beneath the hem of his shirt.

"Oh uh no Thankyou, I-I actually like being on the bottom."

"Ha!" Someone laughed from their bunk and suddenly the whole unit erupted with smartarsed comments.

"Nooooo way really?!"

"Who would have thought?"

"Can't be true."

"Never would have guessed!"

"You hide it so well!" A voice I recognised as Stephen laughed amongst the ruckus.

Suddenly, the door was opening and the room descended into a thick silence, everyone had shut up when they realised Robbie was close.

"What's all the chitchat about boys, this isn't a girls sleepover. Antman get your ass in bed now."

"Sorry Rob." Ant grumbled, giving me one last slightly amused look before jumping up onto the top bunk.

"For that behaviour you'll all run doubles tomorrow."

There was a chorus of groans and whispered swear words but no one dared argue and make it worse. Robbie left, satisfied that his job had been done and him closing the door plunged us all into darkness.

I just laid there and let the reality sink in. I was finally here, I'd finally done it, finally achieved my dream of being a firefighter and had joined unit 88. We'd come back from my first  mission and we were all bunkering down for the night. Like a team.

My stomach dropped uncomfortably when I noted that making out with the senior fire engineer had not been part of the plan. Would not be telling my mam about that part when I phoned her tomorrow.

My gaze fluttered up to the bottom of the old mattress above me and thought about Ant with a little smile. He had been into me, he'd just been too shy to make the first move. How sweet. My lungs filled with a calming inhale and I breathed it out through my nose, trying not to get too excited; trying not to marry myself completely to the dark haired man after just one kiss.

My brain told me not to get carried away but the little twink inside me was already picking out the bouquet arrangements for our 3 course-meal rehearsal dinner and planning the Irish dancers we'd have at our irish-Geordie wedding.

Twisting to lay on my side beneath the covers I smiled to myself, thinking about that kiss and thinking about how handsome and brave the fire-pilot was. My sisters were going to be soooo jealous.


Medical recovery period felt like hell on Earth, especially for someone still settling into their new job, there were two call outs which I had to stay at base for and we had training in between which I wasn't allowed to fully participate in. I sat on the side lines for all the strenuous activities and had to watch as the other firefighters got to do all the cool stuff.

My Ant and Dec One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now