💛 First time at a Club

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An short Un-edited Little fic, I wrote this ages ago and never finished it so hopefully it's okay but I don't have the time to re-read and check rn 😂

I'd give my right arm to have Dec look down at me like that 😭

I'd never been in a gay bar before. In fact I'd never been in a bar before. My social anxiety meant I stayed way away from crowded places.

But it was the start of a new year and I told myself this year would be different. I would be different. I'd started hanging out with a new group of friends at uni. It was great, they were all gay and really cool, their style was impeccable. They were always out clubbing or smoking weed. I wanted to be a part of their glamorous lifestyle.

They weren't the types of people I'd usually hang out with. Which was why I'd changed myself a little to fit in, but that was part of growing up and moving away, changing.

I'd been invited along to a couple of social things before, mostly coffee dates where we'd just sit and gossip about people. I didn't enjoy that so much but then I didn't talk much either, I just sat quietly... even if I did say something they never really listened. I had nothing interesting to say after all.

It was a Wednesday night, student night so the drinks were cheap. We all agreed to meet at 9 outside the club but I was the only one on time so found myself waiting alone on a street I'd never even been on before with people giving me weird looks as I passed. My anxiety was so high I started thinking about going home.

The Club, which was currently empty, was one of the most famous gay night-clubs in the country. None of us had been before, even the most popular boys in my group hadn't... I however, had lied and told them I had. A lie which has festered into an entire story, about how I went there all the time. It was what made them decide to go here. It was a lie I sorely regretted now.

I was itching for them to arrive so I could get it over and done with. I'd humiliate myself inside the bar and they'd all laugh at me. Call me weird and tell me they didn't want me to hang out with them anymore.

"You look tense."

I jumped and turned to locate the source of that deep voice.

It was a man, he had jet black hair and a deep blue eyes, he wore a clever smirk on his lips that wrapped around a half-drunk cigarette. His coat was long and expensive and beneath it rested a smart suit.

When I simply gaped at him in confusion and nervousness, the man chuckled, "What brings you here?"

"I-I'm gay." Dec blurted out as though it was something to prove.

The dark haired man choked on his smoke and shook his head. He breathed through deep, uncomfortable chuckles in effort to regain his composure in order to clarify, "What I meant by that question was, are you waiting for someone? A boyfriend perhaps?"

"O-oh, no. I'm waiting for my friends." I blushed and toed the ground, "They're late."

"How late?"

"Uh what time is it?" I asked cautiously and the taller man checked his watch.

"Twenty-nine minutes past nine."

"Twenty-nine minutes then."

He arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow, "You've been waiting out here for Twenty-nine minutes?"

"W-well they said we'd meet here at Nine. I was stupid, took that literally."

"Doesn't sound stupid. Sounds like they aren't great friends." He grunted, lighting up a second cigarette. We were stood close now, the older man leant against the wall behind us and stared out into the sparse traffic going past. It was still daylight mostly but this was a strange time of day, too late for the early birds and too early for the night owls.

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