💚 Something New [M] (Age Gap)

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So I got a nice comment on this a while ago and got writing but hit a writers block. Then the other day couple more really sweet comments from a reader came along and it encouraged me to finish this. It's the sequel to 'Something Better [M] (Age Gap)' so please enjoy ❤️ this is a really long one almost 11,000 so I apologise it might take a while to read 🙈 it took me ages to write

Warnings of course for mature themes.

I've just realised that the age of consent may vary in different parts of the world, I haven't had any complaints but I thought I'd just clarify. Where this is set (UK) the legal age of consent is 16 and age for drinking is 18.

Song is 'bloom' by Troye Sivan ^^ added above for yall


"Have you ever been in love Anth?"

The doctor looked slowly up from his medical charts to focus on the small teenager across the desk, his homework left untouched.

Ant sat back in his office chair and studied the younger geordie, "Yes, I'd say I have."

Declan looked down at his lap and absently fidgeted with his intertwined hands. His mind wondered curiously, trying to imagine his serious and stern older friend in a proper relationship.

"What was it like?"

Ant frowned deeply and let his eyes flicker between the young boys curious green one's, "It was everything and nothing at the same time. One of the best and yet one of the most painful experiences of my life."

"I-it ended badly?"

"He cheated on me with my boss." Anthony deadpanned emotionlessly, taking in Declan's horrified reaction, "To spite him I cheated on him with his best friend and then countless men after that. Once he found out, we divorced as soon as we could get the papers through."

"Y-you were married?!" Declan exclaimed, overwhelmed that he hadn't even left school yet and Ant had already lived a whole other life.

"For 6 years." Ant shrugged and slowly stood up from his desk. "Love isn't infinite... it needs to be nurtured and cared for. Or else it dies just like everything else."

"... uh d-do you miss it?"

Ant ran a hand over the back of his neck and shifted, looking uncomfortable for probably the first time since Dec met him. "I miss marriage. Having someone to come home too and wake up to. Having someone to hold and kiss. Someone to share the day with, that's what I miss. I don't miss him... we had a lot in common and once upon a time I could have died for him.  But the arguments seemed constant even before he cheated. I don't know... we always had some... Uh.... differences.... sexual differences anyway. He couldn't accept me for me. I'm glad it's over."

The teen wanted to press on those differences but found himself too shy to ask.

"W-would you do it again?" Dec asked, his gaze staring up at Ant as the taller man stood over his seat.


Dec shook his head, "Love."

A small smile worked its way onto the dark haired doctors lips as he pulled off his lab coat and grabbed his bag.

"That's not really up to me now is it?"

The young teen was in a trance as Ant gestured for him to follow and led him out of his office.

They past the reception and both Geordies smiled at Bella, "Night Bee." Declan waved, jogging to keep up with Ant's long strides.

"Night you two!" Bella called back and watched Ant and Dec move swiftly out into the parking lot.

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