❤️ Bathtime

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Really short AU fic for you where Ant and Dec are not just a presenting duo but also a couple. Pure fluff

"Okay Stephen I understand but was this really worth calling us on a weekend for? You don't start filming in for a penny til the summer. We can discuss this at the office on Monday. Uhmm alrite bye."

Declan switched off his phone as soon as his colleague was gone and grinned to himself, wandering into the bathroom where his husband was waiting in the tub.

"Was that Stephen, Babe?"

"Yeah ITV has rejected one of the new In For a Penny games and he's not happy about it."

"What does he want us to do about that?"

Ant watched shamelessly as his husband stripped down to nothing.

"No idea. I said we'd look into it on Monday." Dec shrugged, slipping off his wedding ring and placing it carefully on the side before stepping one foot into the water and wincing. "it's too hot."

"You'll get used to it, come on ya big baby."

The older man pouted and hissed as he knelt down, "Who you calling a baby?"

Ant laughed but was gentle as he supported his lover all the way down still he was settled between his legs, "You. Baby."

No longer pouting, and in fact extremely relaxed in the warm water, the smaller presenter grinned into a loving kiss against his younger lovers lips.

"Uhm it's so nice to have a moment alone." Dec hummed.

Ant melted into the kiss and let his hands slide down to Declan's butt which was a delightful pink colour thanks to the water. He squeezed the soft globes and pulled his husband impossibly closer so their naked bodies pressed against each other in all the right places beneath the soapy suds.

"It's nice to have you all to myself for once." Ant growled in returned, kissing Declan harder before moving to worship his neck with open mouthed kisses and the grazing of teeth against pale flesh.

"Ngh... uah well now you have me... urgh... what are you gonna do with me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

Ant's hands drifted all around his partners slim figure, his lips tracing over his collar bone and shoulder.

"A-ah Jesus..."

"That's not my name. Say my name."

"Anth.... M-my—"


Dec's eyes suddenly slammed open and he pushed into a sitting position off his husbands broad chest, cheeks a bright red as he looked over the tub at the 5 year old waddling towards them in his Thomas the tank engine pyjamas and a rubber duck held in his tiny hands.

"Daddy! Hewe ducky!"

"Ooh —- Aw Thankyou bubba, is that for me?"

"Youse play with ducky and Dada now!" Ant snickered and rubbed his hand over his face, taking his hands slowly off Dec's body as he watched the smaller man gracefully accept their son's gift.

"Didn't I just put you to bed kidda?" Anthony asked, wrapping his arm around Dec's chest and sitting up behind him in the bathtub.

"No sleepy."

"We talked about this didn't we little man?" You will be tired you stay up too late."

Dec hid his face in the comfort of Ants arm as the the younger man spoke.

"Can me 'abe baftwime?"

"You can't have bath time twice bubba." Dec smiled, reaching out to stroke his sons light brown hair. "Maybe next time if you go back to bed now."


"We promise."

"Now bed time kidda we'll be checking on youse."

Both boys watched as their toddler waddled his tiny legs away back to bed, completely and utterly in love. Ant rested his chin on his husbands shoulder with a loving smile beide turning to bite the older man's ear, "You seriously forgot to close the door?"

"Well I thought you said he was sound asleep."

"He was."

The two men blinked down at the rubber ducky in Dec hands and Ant laughed softly, "Not sure play times really appropriate anymore."

"You're gonna have to make it up to me." Declan's twisted in his man's arms and leaned in to kiss his lips.

Ant huffed, "Why aren't you making it up to me?"

Dec shot the taller Geordie a frankly frighting look and Ant swallowed thickly, as his husbands eyes narrowed, inviting him to reconsider his words.

"You know what? You're right, Next date night we'll go to a hotel and get some proper alone time— treat ya special like."

Like an angel repossessed his soul, Declan bounced happily, beaming as he pressed his lips against the man laid out beneath him in the warm water. "You're the sweetest."

Ant's body shook with a deep baritone laugh as he rolled his eyes and melted into the kiss.

"I love you," Ant grinned, pecking Dec's nose lightly, and pulling his hand up out of the water to interlink their hands. "My gorgeous man."

Dec blushed all shades of red, feeling like a princess he settled his head between Ant's strong pecs and whispered happily in reply, "Love you too."

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