When it's the time of the month

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Green Link:

"Uuuuugggghhhh....." You groaned and rolled on the bed back and forth."Um...(Y/N) are you alright?" Green asked,looking concerned."No,give me some chocolate and maybe I can cool my temper down a little bit." You said.Green is scared when you are really angry,he stood and saluted."Y-yes,ma'am!" He ran out of the house to buy tampons,chocolate,your favorite stuffs,and many more to cool you down.

Blue Link:

When it's time of the month,you are not-so-good attitude to deal with. "Blue give me so chocolate.Now!" You shouted."What has gotten into you lately??!!!" Blue shouted back.You kicked his stomach,really hard."Oh don't you dare say that to me,now give me chocolate!" You yelled and stomped your foot.Blue shivered in fear and went out to buy some chocolate.And he told Krystal how scary when it's your time of the month,much more scarier than himself...

Red Link:

Okay,you are some type of a cuddly person when it's your time of the month."Red~" You cooed."Please cuddle with me~~~" Red smiled adorably and cuddled you on the bed,and both of you slowly falling asleep in each other's arms.

Vio Link:

"Vio,please notice me~" You cooed.Vio signed and closed the book he is reading and looked at you."It's your time of the month,am I right?" He asked.You nodded and opened your arms.He got your idea and pulled you on his lap then hugged your waist.

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