Plagas? (Part 2)

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A/N: Well,I got over at the people who thinks my stories sucks,but I don't care about them anymore.Thank you guys for cheering me up.I love you,guys.Now,I'm back to my normal self because of the ones that tried to cheer me up.Once again,thank you.


Your eyes fluttered open,feeling dizzy.You sat up,and felt something soft underneath you.You realized that you are sitting on a clinic bed (A/N: Is that was it called?).You stood up and dusted yourself.

As you are about to walk,overwhelming pain rushd into your head.

You held your head with your two hands and screamed in pain.

A some kind of a small worm wiggling in the area of your chest is pictured in your brain.

Then another worm-like thing pictured in your brain.It does not look like a worm.It looks like a...a parasite...wiggling in your chest.


"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" You shot up from the clinic bed,looking around.

Then you saw the door being slammed open,revealing a worried Krystal,wearing a lab coat and round eyeglasses.

"(Y/N)!What happened?!" Krystal dashed to you and looked at your body if you have wounds.

"N-nothing.I just have a bad dream..." You stated.

"A dream?What kind of dream?" Krystal pulled a chair and placed it beside the clinic bed where you are sitting on,and sat down.

"Well,I dreamed of me,waking up,then,pictures of a worm-like thingies flashed in my mind..." You said and looked at Krystal.

"Worm-like thingies?" Krystal asked.

"Yes.Some of them looks like parasites." You held your head with your left hand,still remembering of what did you dreamed of.

Krystal's eyes widen after you said the word 'parasites'.

"It can't be..." Krystal brought an x-ray scanner and scanned your body.

"......How can it still be here?" Krystal said nervously.

"What are you talking about,Krystal?" You said worriedly.

Then,Krystal showed you the result of the x-ray.What you saw is a worm-like parasite that is located in your chest area.You began to panic.


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