Phone Nicknames *MODERN*

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A/N: Short chapter...The gates of Hell are going to open once again and the sufferings will soon come for me.

Save me from the textbooks and quizzes, I beg you!

Warn the king and come back to save me from the soon to be opened classrooms and teachers! SAAAVE MEEE!!!

........okay I am just over reacting...

Anyway, enjoy!....and my apologies...

Some of the nicknames are corny and plain boring, btw. Just saying...


Green Link:

Yours: Love *heart emoji*

His: Zelda *three laughing emojis*

(LoZ fans, you understood the reference, don't ya'll?😂😂)

Blue Link:

Yours: Babe *winky emoji*

His: Handsome *kissy face emoji*

Red Link:

Yours: Sweetie *any food that's sweet emojis*

His: Sugar *same as Red's emojis* (cuz he loves to eat sweets)

Vio Link:

Yours: My Everything *a girl and a heart emoji*

His(previously): My one and only *hearts emojis*

(A/N: Okay, that's cheesy. His nickname is supposed to be "My Nerd" or "My Bookworm" or something, but I think it's too corny and plain so...yeah...)


A/N: Next up is probably gonna be "Cute texts from him to you". Sorry if this chapter sucks because I have no inspirations to make a scenario right now.

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