*Christmas special* When you forgive him

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A/N: Let's pretend that Christmas is today...


"Hey,(Y/N) do you even have pity for (F/S/B)?I mean come on!Today's Christmas!Make peace and forgiveness!!!" Krystal whined.You and her are always together,and sometimes Krystal can be a pain in the ass..."To be honest,I miss him.But how can I tell that I forgive him already?" you asked."Well leave it me here!" she shouted.She grabbed your hand and went in a gift shop."K-Krystal what are we doing in here?!" you exclaimed."Relax,I know what you can give him..." she smirked.She went to the cashier and asked if they have a big box,the cashier said yes and got it from the shop's storage."That would be 215 rupees,ma'am." The cashier said."Hey,that's so expensive!We should buy something else - " Krystal raised her hand infront of your face,signaling you to stop speaking."It's alright,(Y/N).You are my friend so it's ok." She smiled and payed the rupees to the cashier."Thank you very much." The cashier bowed.You and Krystal carried the big empty box to Krystal's house.Finally you two dropped the box and sat on the floor."Whew!Even the box has no thing inside of it,it's heavy." you complained."Hey,we're not yet done here..." Krystal said in a determined voice.".......WHAT???!!!!" you exclaimed.The box's length is the same as your height and the width is the same as a regular sized-cabinet."We need to decorate it,duh!" Krystal said while getting tape,glue,scissors,a pack of colored paper,a huge roll of ribbon and a Christmas gift wrap."SERIOUSLY?!" you shouted."Yes.Now we need to get moving before dawn comes!" Krystal said,pointing at the clock,which the time is 8:30 PM.You signed and helped out to cut snowflakes using white or teal colored papers,wrap the Christmas gift wrap on the big box,cut ribbons,cut stars using yellow colored papers and MANY other things.

*Several hours later*

At last,you and Krystal tied the ribbon into a bow and looked at thw box,which now looks like a huge present."FINALLY!" you and Krystal exclaimed and looked at the time,11:38 PM."Hey,do you know the line of a Christmas song 'All I want for Christmas is you'?" Krystal asked."Yeah,what are you up to- Wait...Are you..." "YES!" Krystal put you inside the box and tied the lid of the box with a big ribbon."YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME TO HIM???!!!" you shouted."Correct you are!Now we need to get moving already!It's 11:43!!!" Krystal carried the box and ran fast as she can.

~Few minutes later~

Finally,Krystal arrived at (F/S/B)'s house,she tries to run faster but she tripped on the ground,for running for few minutes and can't get up for a while.You on the other hand,you felt the box landed and heard a crash.'Probably the impact of the box falling to the ground...' you thought."Coming..." you heard a sleepy voice.'Oh my...' you thought again."Hm?What's this?" you now felt the box lifted into his house.You began to tear up,you really miss him.'When he opened the box...I wanna hug him as tight as I can....' you thought."Hm...A present?For me?Why its so big?" (F/S/B) said to himself."I wish (Y/N) was here...That's my one and only wish in this Christmas...".He slowly opened the box,you couldn't take it any longer and jumped on him."(F/S/B)!!!!" you cried on his chest."O-ow...(Y-Y/N)?" (F/S/B) sat up and hugged you."I-I miss you..." you stuttered.He smiled and patted your head.You felt something wet drop on your head,when you looked at (F/S/B),you saw him crying."I'm so sorry..." He hugged you tighter and let his head rest on your shoulder."I'm so sorry for...for cheating on you...and being stupid..." You smiled at him and kissed his forehead."It's ok now.I love you." you hugged him again."I love you too,(Y/N)." He slowly lift your chin with his finger,allowing you to look at his dazzling eyes."This is the best Christmas gift I received in my entire life." He pressed his lips lightly on yours.You kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck,deepening the kiss.For you,you wanted this moment to last forever,and to (F/S/B),he was so hapoy that you two are back together again.The moonlight shone through (F/S/B)'s window,making the moment more beautiful.


Krystal peeked at (F/S/B)'s window,to see what was going on.When she peeked through,she saw you and (F/S/B)."Mission complete." she said to herself and smiled.Light appeared on her back,when the light faded,she has now angel wings.She looked at the stars,twinkling brightly through the night sky."I wish you two had a happy life." Krystal gently flew up through the sky.


A/N: Konnichiwa!Sorry if I suck making this scenario.And if you have any ideas,I'll be happy to fulfill them.And next chapter,another Christmas chapter!Yay!Well,that's it for now.Bye Bye!!!!

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