A Wonderful Christmas Party(not.very not)

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A/N: Hi! And Merry Christmas! Omfg I FINALLY POSTED A CHAPTER JESUS CHRIST! Anyways, usually I tend to create romantic chapter for occassions like this but I'm liek, "Hey. Let's try something else," and this shitty one shot is the first one that came into my mind.

Other Links will be included here(specifically Twilight, Skyward(Sky), Oot(Ocarina), Green, Blue, Red AAND Vio.) Hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas!!

[I made myself drunk at the very first part of the chapter because I need to get 100 hourglasses from Mystic Messenger to unlock the Christmas DLC and I only have 31 hourglasses. I'm like  "Oh boy, Weilyn! You still had a long way to go! Try being lazy opening chatrooms and see what will it do for you!..." ...and I have to suffer the consequences for it.]

(WARNING: Some weird and random shit. Dat's all.)

YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! So don't comment stupid shit below, m'kay?☺☺☺


"Heey! Who's ready to get their asses drunk as fuck?!" Krystal shouted and stepped into the living room carrying a big ass cooler with lots of cold beer inside. Apparently the party wasn't even starting and the beer's already gotten into her. She slammed down the cooler onto the living room floor, got herself a beer and chugged the shit out of it.

Facepalming at your friend's idiocy, you sighed. "Krystal we haven't even started the party yet! And I told you to get juice NOT beer!" "Nuh uh, gurl! Ain't going to walk all the way to that shit!" You groaned in frustration as you watched Krystal finished her second beer.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings at the front of your house. Your eyes widen and stood up, already knew who it was. Walking towards the door with excitement, you opened the door to see your friends outside.

"Guys! I'm glad you made it!" You cheered. Twilight was carrying a roasted Cuckoo bird while Sky was holding a basket of fruits. Ocarina was holding a tray of fruit salad and Green, Blue, Red and Vio on the other hand were carrying food such as cookies, junk food, pizza and a box of different kinds of sodas.

Ocarina smiled at you in response and gave you a toothy grin. "Heh. Of course we did! It would be a shame not to attend such party," Sky said. You smiled in response and fully opened the door. "Please, come in!" With that, they one by one came into your house, brushing their shoes onto the doormat before doing so. As you accompany them to the living room, Krystal was laying her stomach on the top of the cooler with a couple of empty bottles of beer scattered on the floor.

"K-Krystal! What happened to you?!" Red, being a cinnamon bun, exclaimed as he placed the food he was holding onto the table before rushing to Krystal. She, however, lightly pushed Red off by accident before standing up. "We work in the dark, to serve the light. WE ARE ASSASSINS!" She then raised an arm and saluted.

"Oh..guess someone already started the party early," Twilight chuckled as he placed the Cuckoo on the living room table and the others followed after. "Uhm...I thought we're having juice for Christmas?" Green asked. "We were supposed to have juice this Christmas but a certain someone thought it would be a good idea to have beer instead," you scoffed. "Definitely noot me!~" Krystal said, now laying sideways on the floor, an elbow placed on the floor and a hand on the side of the face as if she was 'Drawing her like one of no one's French girls.'

You were now internally screaming in anger and frustration. Now you HAD to get the juice all by yourself. As much as you don't want to go out, you have to. "Guys, I'll go get the juice at the store. Be right back," you grabbed your scarf and neatly wrapped it around your neck. "You sure you don't want someone to accompany you..?" Vio asked, surprisingly didn't have any book with him(his brothers convinced him to not bring books because it would distract him from the party). "Nah, it's okay. I can get it myself," you replied. "Okay, if you say so," Vio shrugged. With that, you step outside your house and began walking towards the store where Krystal went.

~Timeskip by Twilight being asked by the other Links how did he kill a Cuckoo bird and he cannot answer because he made a deal with a group of girls who owned a barn to give them his underwear in exchange for a Cuckoo bird~

Finally, you arrived back at your house with a several packets of juice and iced tea in a plastic bag. You sighed in relief as you opened your door and entered inside, instantly walking to the living room. "Hey, guys! I'm ba- !" You stopped. Furniture was tossed, sheets of paper and toilet paper were scattered on the floor, numerous empty bottles of beer were placed EVERYWHERE. Basically, your house looks like hell.

"G-guys! What happened in he- " "HERE'S A SHOutoUT To my EX!!~ HEARD he iN LOVE WIth sOme otHER CHICK!~" Ocarina was standing on the living room table, singing on a karaoke on your TV(yes your TV has like a karaoke feature and shit) with the other drunk Links doing God knows what's up to. Pretty much everyone is drunk at the moment, actually.

Green and Blue were cat-fighting over a bottle of beer, Red was reading a storybook about a camel who journeys through the vast desert and Vio was running around with a dinner plate as if he was with the Fast and the Furious shit.

"AAnd as tHe CAmeL WAlked through the vAst desert He tripPed on his FeeT. The...what is this? Ca..ca... cameltoe?(IT'S CAMEL'S TOE FUCKIN-)" Apparently Red's too drunk to read the words clearly and mispronounce words while reading the story.

Your jaw was wide open in shock. "Guys what the fuck?!" You shouted but no one gives a fuck about what you say right now. Then you heard Twilight and Sky mumbling in your empty closet and...why is it hot inside?

You gently opened your closet door and peeked inside to check who's in there. There you see lit candles inside with Twilight and Sky sitting across each other with a somewhat big pentagram between them. But instead of seeing a star in the big circle of their pentagram they drew a fucking heart with poorly drawn unicorns in it. Now both idiots were chanting incoherent words, and you even heard them say 'magical ponies' and..'Equestria?'

You barged into the closet door in anger. "What the hell's going on in here?!" You exclaimed. Both boys' eyes widen in shock, quickly glancing at you then back at each other. "Sky...we didn't complete the worship.." Twilight murmured as he began to tremble. "I-I know! The Queen will be angry at us!" Sky replied. Both Twilight and Sky got on their knees and began bowing for forgiveness.

"Forgive us, Your Majesty!" -Twilight "We didn't mean to stop, please!" -Sky
"Please spare us!" -Twilight
"We're begging you!" -Sky

Veins starting to pop out of your head as their pleas were becoming more desperate. "Guys, there was no such thing as unicorns or magical ponies! Cut it out!" You snapped. "They are real!" Sky exclaimed. "Yeah! We saw it in our own eyes!" Twilight added. They kept defending themselves that unicorns were real that you gave up and let them go on to their sulking.

An arm was drapped around your shoulders. Already knowing who it is, you groaned in annoyance and crossed your arms. "So, hoow's the party goin'?" Krystal slurred and tried to stand up straight but ends up wobbling. "Horrible," you replied, looking at your now messed up living room. "...you know what, let's not make you in charge of the drinks EVER. AGAIN."

After the horrific incident, Krystal was never assigned to take charge of the drinks in the following parties to come and everyone is quite glad about it. And they lived happily ever after.

The End.


...I regret nothing.

Foursword Boyfriend Scenarios [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ