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Monday arrived and Yuzu slowly made her way out off bed knowing that she had too as she had too go to work later that afternoon.  Although she did not need to actually go to work as her mother gave her some money from her own inheritance from her biological father. As she was getting ready all that she could think about is what her girlfriend said to here. This intern made Yuzu very angry and shout in the mirror


After slamming down her hand on her desk she thought fine I’m going, I’m going. She quickly got herself dressed making a bit of an effort but too much. She decided to wear some blue jeans with rips in them and a reddish plain t shirt looped earing and put her hair in a ponytail to the side. She then picked up her bag and keys and left.

Making her way to the train station Yuzu was again thinking about how to deal with Mei and where the best place was to make a statement. Smirking to herself She knew just exactly where she was going. Ahira Academy.

Turning the corner to her old high school she started to get nervous as not only was she about to confront her ex lover her step sister but she has not seen her for the last two and a half years. Just before she was about to enter the gates she pulled out her phone and sent a text her girlfriend

“Doing what you wanted me to do. I’m at Ahaira academy I will call you when I get out. I'm still not sure how this going to play out, but I want too see you again.”

She did not even bother to wait for a reply walked straight into the academy and went straight up to the chairman office to confront the person that she did not really want too see. Of course she knew where it was as she was called into that office a fair few times when she was there.

Yuzu made it to the office she noticed something new a desk just off to the side she ignored it and headed towards the door. The lady behind her desk stopped her and asked

“Do you have business here"

Yuzu looked down on the lady and stared at her and replied

“My business here has nothing to do with you."

With that said she pushed open the door and slammed it shut and locked the door behind her so that she was not interrupted. Se turns around and see her sister working away and says.

“Long time no see sis"

Mei stopped what she was doing looked up, looked at the person in front of her and replied

“Yuzu is that you."

“Yes its me, so you do remember my name. Well I suppose that’s a start"

Yuzi proceeded to walk and sit down in the chair that was in front of her sisters desk.

“Is that really you"

“Who else would it be. Oh you thought it might of been your HUSBAND coming to check on you,  but I’m better looking than he is. ”

With this Yuzu could not help herself and made a little chuckle. Looking back at her sister who’s phone was ringing on her desk

“Ain’t you going to answer that"

Snapping back to reality Mei answered the phone. Speaking softly,

“Don’t worry I know this person. Cancel all my other appointments for the day, this could take a while."

After she put the phone down she looked across her desk making sure that her sister was actually sitting in front of her and that she was not dreaming. Realising that she was there she could not help it but tears started to fall from her eyes.

“Don’t play the water works card on me. It won't work. I’m here for one reason only and that has come from a request from my current girlfriend which if I remember correctly is not you and I'm sure Sara told you that she and I are dating."

Mei was a little bit shocked by the way that her sister her ex lover was talking but she knew that she would get some harsh words from her and deep down she knew it was going to happen trying to get the conversation in a better direction she asked.

“How have you been?"

“How have I been, are you really going to ask me such a pointless question. How do you think I have been? You think that I have been happy? Do you think I’m living it up like a dream and do you honestly think I actually want to see your face? Do you actually think I want to be here."

Finding herself getting more angry by the minute she stops talking and looks straight into those majestic purple eyes of her sister and starts to shake. Mei get up from her desk and walks in front of Yuzu and places her hand on hers.


"I'm sorry Yuzu. I did not mean to offend you. I just want the chance to talk to you."

"Well I will give you five minutes. Better start talking."

"I don't know where to begin. What I will say is it nice to see you after so."

"Well the feeling is definitely not mutual"

"I can understand that. I really can but truthfully how have you been."

"Lately I have been doing rather well, I have Sara by my side."

"I'm glad that you have someone like that with you. I hope your happy with her."

"I am happy. But not as happy......."

Yuzu stops herself from saying the rest if that sentence and re directs it at her sister.

"Are you happy. How's married life."

"Married life is terrible. If I'm honest."

"Well you choose marriage. What's the saying you made your bed so you have to sleep in it. Or something like that."

"Yes it something like that if only I can turn back time."

"Well you cannot can you. Well you time is up. I came, I saw, now I can see Sara again."

"Wait plese talk some more with me."

"Nope I gave you five minutes and that time has ran out. Maybe I will see you again in two and half years. Maybe I might make it longer."

Even though Yuzu just said that she grabs her younger sister pulls her close and crashes her lips against her. Both of them open their mouths for a deeper more tender kiss. Both feeling passion in that one kiss than ever before, both of them start to crave more and more pulling each other closer. The elder sister wraps her arms around her younger sister neck while the younger sister grabs her elder sister waist both of them embracing each other pulling apart for a brief moment grabbing air they start the kiss again this time more slowly but with the same passion.

Yuzu breaks the kiss and this time the tears do come covering her mouth she turns towards the door unlocks it and speaks to her sister one last time

"You can call that our last kiss"

Yuzu runs out of the academy. As she is running all she is asking herself

“what did I just do? Why did I just do that? Is Sara right do I still love her. Oh know what do I say to Sara?”

She keeps on running even though she hears in the background Mei shouting her name

“Yuzu, Yuzu"

Ignoring this she just keeps on running and running all the way out of the building. As she approaches the corner near the stop sign is is physically sick. Mentally drained and just sits down by the curb trying to get her composure back.

Meanwhile back at the academy Mei stops dead in her tracks as she knows she won’t be able to catch her sister and silently cries and whispers

“Yuzu please come back I need you."

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