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Both the girls wake up in the same position they fell asleep in. They look at each other and blush as the memory of last night filled their minds. Mei leans in for a kiss which is reciprocated by her lover. As they pull themselves apart they hold each once more. Yuzu goes to pull away but is just held in place.

"Mei, is everything ok"

"Yes, everything is fine, I just wanted to hold you."

"I love that you want to hold me but I'm really hungry. Would you like me to cook you breakfast."

"That's sounds like a really good idea. Would you like help."

"Nah i got this. Its all part of my master plan. Also could we talk about the wedding a bit as we need to start getting the ball rolling as we have not even set a date yet."

"OK. I was thinking the same."

Yuzu pulls away from her fiancé and quickly kisses her. She just puts a shirt on and walks into the kitchen to make breakfast. As Yuzu is making breakfast Mei comes in and sits at their dining table awaiting. It was not long before breakfast is being served.

The girls start to eat when Mei starts to talk about their wedding.

"So about the date of the wedding have you thought of any."

"I would a winter wedding. I would like it it the 28 December."

"That's a bit random. I thought you would like a summer wedding."

"I did think of that, but I think it would suit us. What about you. Did you think of any dates."

"I wanted to get married on your birthday."



"Could we not, I like the idea but I don't really want too."

"OK, I understand."

Mei sits there pondering and think about the date that Yuzu has suggested. She leans over and places her hand on her lovers and says.

"28 December it is then."

Yuzu looks at her and gives her one of her special smiles and replies.

"Great!!! Thank you. What about rings. Do you want to buy new ones or use our old ones."

"I think we should get new ones. This one that is around my neck is special to me. This is a new start for us so new rings. I would like to go to the same shop where we bought our engagement rings."

"OK, I agree. New rings it is, and yes going to the same shop it is then."

"Regarding our dresses, how about we go to the shop where we bought our dresses for grandfather dinner. We can get Yuri to help us."

"Awsome idea. She was brilliant and I'm sure we can get the best dresses on offer."

Yuzu continues.

"We both have to choose a maid of honour. Obviously we know who we want. I will ask Harumin and I take it you will ask Himeko. I think we should buy their dresses as well."

"Sounds like a very good idea."

"So, we have set a date. 28 December. We have chosen our maids of honour. We have decided to buy new rings and where too buy our dresses from. That's what I call a good morning. Oh and Mei, I know I say this a lot but I really want say. I really love you."

"I love you too Yuzu."

With their little conversation over with Mei gets up and starts to clear away the plates. While doing so she looks at her wife to be and asks another question

"Yuzu, just a question are w going with traditional vowels or our own?"

"That is a very good question. I Leaning towards making our own. I just think it would be more special that way."

"God I love you so much. That is the answer I was looking for."

Mei places the plates and cups in the sink walks over to her lover and crashes their lips together. Yuzu moves her arms around her lovers waist and just melts into the kiss. They only stop their kiss as they needed air but as soon as they could they lock lips once again. They both feel the passion that is fuelling them. They both want more. Mei breaks the kiss and rests her head again her lovers chest and softly speaks.

"Yuzu, we need to stop or this will end up like night. I don't think my body can handle it. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I agree with you. I don't think I can either. I know what. Let's call Harumin and Himeko and ask them to come to dinner."

"Yeah OK that sounds brilliant. They can see the new house and we can ask them about being maid of honour."

Mei walks back to the kitchen and finishes the washing up. She looks up from what she is doing and sees that Yuzu has her phone in hand. She can see that Yuzu seems nervous. Not wanting to interrupt her she just let's her do her thing.

"Morning Harumin, hope I did not wake you."

"Nah I was already awake. What's up as you don't normally phone me. "

"Nothing really, but could you maybe come to Mei and my place tonight for dinner. This is just for you and not Matsuri."

"Yeah I think I can swing that. What time."

"18:00 please."

"See you then. Oh by the way how was your first night."

"Magical and that's all I'm saying."

"Roger that see you at 6."

Yuzu hangs up the phone and thinks to her self. "that went well." She looks across and sees her beautiful wife to be brining her a cup of her favourite tea. As Mei placed it in front of her she grabs Yuzu phone unlocks it a proceeds to call Himeko.

"Hi Yuzu."

"Sorry Himeko it's not Yuzu."

"Mei Mei."

"Himeko could you possibly come to my home for dinner tonight. I'm sorry but this invitation is only for you. Sara is not invited I'm afraid."

'OK, MeiMei not a problem. I will let her know. What time."

"Could you please come her at six please."

"OK see you then."

Mei ends the call and passes back the phone to her fiancé. They look at each other and smile. They place a soft kiss on each other lips and proceed to get themselves ready. As they are getting ready Yuzu stands still as she cannot help but check out her fiancé in all her glory. Mei sees that she is staring at her and decides to slowly dress herself. Yuzu shakes her head and proceeds to get herself dressed in record time and leaves the bedroom. Mei giggles to herself as she knew she won this little contest.

Once Mei finishes getting herself ready she creeps out if the bedroom and walks to where Yuzu is sitting. She then straddles her fiancé and kisses her deeply. Yuzu feels herself getting really turned on. She tries to push Mei out the way but it doeas not work. Mei quickly takes a breath and starts the kiss again. Yuzu pushes harder this time and manages to break free. Panting and breathing heavily, she manages to speak.

"Please Mei stop. No don't stop... Please stop."

Mei leans in and whispers in her ear.

"I will stop. For now."

"Thank you."

Yuzu excused her self and quickly ran to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror and thinks to her self 'I better grab another quick shower." As she turns on the shower she can hear Mei laugh to herself. She walks out stands in front of her completely naked. She looks straight into her lovers eyes and says absolutely nothing. All she can see is her lover turning red. Yuzu leans in kisses her softly and walks away and goes back into the bathroom and locks the door.

After having a quick shower Yuzu quickly changed clothes and walks out to her lover and shouts to her.

"Lets go get some stuff for dinner."

"OK, Yuzu lets go."

As they walk around getting their shopping they automatically hold hands. They don't care about the looks they receive and just carry on. Yuzu buys ingredients for a nice curry. She looks at her lover and says.

"Don't worry it won't be that spicy."

"Can you make it mild."

"Yep that won't be a problem."

As they finish they stop at a cafe and order a cup off coffee for Mei and a cup of tea for Yuzu. They were both shocked to see who served them.

"Yuri is that you." Asked Mei.

"Why, hello its nice to see you both again."

"Why are you here?" Mei continued.

"Well the last time you was in my shop the owner did not like the way I served you."

"What do you mean by that." Asked Yuzu.

"She knew that you were lesbians and said that I should not serve you. I should have left you to your own device. But I think it was because of the tip you left me..."

Yuri just laughed but could see both of the girls getting angry. Mei looked and Yuzu ans she just nodded. Knowing exactly what Mei was thinking.

"Yuri do you have a break soon, as I have proposal for you."

"I have one in 10 mins"

"Great come sit with us once you can."

Sure enough 10 mins passed and Yuri came and sat down with them brining them another round of hit drinks. They all take a mouthful when Yuri asks them

"What's this proposal."

"Well we have decided to get married." Explained Yuzu.

"We was going to come to your shop and for you to help find our wedding dresses. But as you don't work there how about a private job. We can pay you."

"Really. You really want me to find your wedding dresses."

"Not only our wedding dresses but our maid of honour and we would like to you to find our evening dresses as well." Mei continued to say.

Yuri looked shocked and also very happy. Without even asking them how much they would pay her she accepted it. She stood up looked at both of them and bowed. She walked into the cafe and quit right there and then. She walked back outside and sat with the girls and said.

"I will start looking right away."

"That's great news" Yuzu replied.

"Thank you for taking us up on our offer. Now the important question. How much would you like to be paid." Mei said.

"Well that is a good question. You tell me how much as technically you are my boss"

Mei continued.

"How about we pay you 250,000 Yen to start with. This should cover any your travel expenses and other bits and once you complete you job we will pay you some more. Does that sound reasonable to you."

Yuri nearly fell out if her chair in shock about the amount that they were willing to pay. With tears In her eyes she looked at them once again and between the tears she replied.

"Thank you, that seems pretty high but I will take it. I will find you your perfect wedding dresses. Leave it to me."

Yuzu smiled at her and wrote down their address and both their contact numbers. They asked her to come over to their house tomorrow to go through the details and budget and stuff. But she would have to come over once Mei finished work.

All three girls finished their drinks and went their separate ways. As the girls walked home feeling happy about what they did. Not only did they get a skilled person to find them their wedding dresses but both feel like they helped out a friend. Once again their hands automatically reached out to each other and made their way home to prepare dinner.

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