CHAPTER 53 Matsuri and Harumin.

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"Morning babe" Matsuri whispers into her girlfriend ear.

"Morning" was the only response that Harumin could muster, but Matsuri knew this as her girlfriend don't function unless she has had least 1 cup of coffee in her system and well on the way for into the second.  Mind you matsuri is the same this morning seems like a good day.



"Are you busy today."

"Not really I have to go to work this morning but I should be free around 14:00."

"OK cool, can we meet up and have lunch together today."

"You know what that actually sounds like a very good idea."

"Where do you want to meet up."

"That Italian place. The one we went too on out first date."

"Wow you are full of surprises this morning."

"Nah not really, we have not been in a while and thought it would be nice. That's all."

"Great sounds like a plan."

Harumin quickly checks the clock on the wall and goes wide eyed. If she don't get a move on she will be late. She rushes into the shower and quickly get herself clean and from her closet she picked out a pair of blue skinny jeans with rips in them and a light pink tea shirt. She quickly straightens her hair. She gulps down another coffee and places a quick kiss on her girlfriend mouth a nd runs out the door.

Matsuri flops herself on the sofa and stares at the ceiling. Her hands have started to sweat as she thinks about her lunch date with her girlfriend. She so deep in thought that she does not hear her own front door open. Both Yuzu and Mei had used their key to enter and both of them slowly walk in

When they were about 10ft away from both of them shout in unison.


Matsuti hits the roof and was about to start throwing punches when she realised it was her friends.

"Jesus guys you could of given me a heart attack."

"We know we could off, but it was too hard not to resist and it not like you to have you defences down." Yuzu spoke.

"Excatly just like what Yuzu said. So if we could get the drop on you then something must be going through that brain of yours." Mei chimed in.

"Yes I am thinking about something. Let me make some tea and hopefully you 2 can give me some advice."

Mei looked at Yuzu and vice versa they both could not help but shrugg their shoulders at each other. All they could is wait.

After 20 minutes of waiting and still no sign of matsuri Yuzu walks into her friends kitchen and once again she can see her friend staring into space. Yuzu taps her on her shoulder which makes Matsuri jump once again.

"Matsuri are you ok."

'No, Yuzu I'm not. I don't know what to do."

"Go sit in the front room and ill finish making the tea."

Yuzu makes quick work of finishing the drinks and heads back towards her friend. As she places the drinks down on the table so looks at Matsuri and starts to speak.

"Matsuri, what is wrong with you."

"Nothing is actually wrong, I just don't know what to do."

"What do you mean by that I am confused."

Matsuri quickly get up from the sofa and walks into her bedroom and within a minute she cone back and places a small box on the table. She motions to yuzu to open the box.

"Matsuri, is this what I think it is?"

"Yes, it is."

"That is a lovely ring." Mei piped in.

"Thank you Mei."

"When are you planning to ask her." Mei continued.

"That's the thing, I'm not sure about. I was a bit confident this morning and we have a lunch date but is the correct time. Will she say yes."

Yuzu went to speak but was cut off by her fiancé.

"Listen to me Matsuri. I have no doubt in  my mind that she will say yes. All you have to so is speak from the heart. Tell her how you feel."

"But that don't seem like enough. Look at when you both got engaged."

"What, Yuzu did was over the top but I would not change anything as I know it was from the heart and that means everything to me. Be yourself and everything will be fine."

"OK thank you Mei"

Still looking a bit nervous Yuzu gets up and sits next to her places her hands on top of Matsuri hands and softly speaks.

"You got this. Go to lunch and muster all the courage you have and just go for it. It don't have to spectacular or grand just do what Mei said. Speak from the heart and everything will fall into place. I know she loves you and you love her."

"I do love her, I love her a lot."

"On that note we will be leaving. Gather your thoughts and go with it. We will be waiting by the phone. For the good news."

Matsuri nods her head and her two friends leave her to sort herself out. By the time she has sorted her thoughts got in the shower and got herself ready she walks back towards the table, picks up the black box and puts it her her pocket and leaves.

Bye the time she get to the restaurant Harumin is already outside waiting. Matsuir walk over to her grabs her hand and places a soft sweet kiss on her lips and softly speaks



"Lets go eat."

Matsuri places her hand into Harumin and walks to the entrance of the restaurant. She speaks to the waiter who guides then to their table.

Both the girls are left to look over the menu but they knew what they wanted. Harumin and Matsuri both ordered the Risotto. Matsuri picked the wine castello Banff poggio alle mura brunello Di montalcino. Harumin looked at Matsuri with  confused face all Matsuri could do was smile at her.

Both if them had a some small talk but it was not long before theor food arrived and it don't not the long before their meal was nearly finished. Matsuri picks up her glass of wine and in ture style downs it. Let's call it a bit of liquid courage.

She reaches over and takes Harumin hands. She looks dead in her eyes and starts to speak.

"Harumin, we have been together for just under three years. You have bought a lot of love and happiness in my life and I could not ask for more.

You Bring me up when I am sad, you make me smile when I am upset. I did not think I could love someone the way I love you.

If you would let me. I would like to spend the rest of my life with you.

So Harumin Taniguchi, Will you marry me?"

Matsuri takes the box out of her pocket open its up and waits for an answer.


Was the only word that came out of Harumin mouth. Both of them were crying as Matsuri slides on the ring onto her fiancé's hand.

No more than 10 minites later both their phones go off. With a messgae With only one word.


Both of then giggle at each other and look out the window where they see their friends  looking at them. Not just Yuzu and Mei, but all of them.

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