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Mei wakes up first and places a kiss on her girlfriend forehead. She starts to think to her self about the life she is about to embark on as today is the day that they finally move in together. Looking closer at her lover she cannot believe how lucky she is actually is, she kisses her head again gets of the bed and just about manages to get dressed and walk out into the kitchen.

As she starts to make her fiancé some well deserved breakfast in bed, her father comes out of his bedroom. He can see his daughter has a smile on her face and comments.

"Good morning Mei, You seem rather happy."

"That's because I am. I have an amazing fiancé and today is the day."

"Mei. I think I have said this to your before, I am extremely happy that for you. I could not be more proud of you. I hope and wish all the best for your future."

"Father, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I just cannot wait. I've been looking forward to this for a while. I can not wait to spend some time with Yuzu in our own place."

"Well good luck."

Mei finishes making her fiancé breakfast and takes it to her. She opens the door to their bedroom and all she can see is her, still fast asleep. She places the breakfast down and walks over to the bed lays down beside her and holds her tight and whispers in her ear.

"Wake up sleepy head, time for breakfast."

"OK Mei give me a few minutes and I shall make it."

"I have already made it. Now wake up.".

Mei gets of the bed and picks up breakfast and proceeds to climb back into bed. Yuzu has finally managed to wake herself up and is amazed that her fiancé had not only cooked her breakfast but also made it so that they can enjoy breakfast in bed together.

As the girls are eating together they start talking.


"Yes, Mei"

"Today is the day."

"I know I so excited and at the same time I'm a little sad."

"I thought as much. If I'm honest I thought you would be like this."

"I'm sorry, but I am so happy, we are finally going to be alone together. I have not told anybody that we are moving in together today. As I want it to be just us."

"Same here. Well let's finish eating and finish packing up."

"Yuzu all out packing is done. All we need to do is get ourselves ready to leave."


The girls finish eating and get themselves dressed and head out of their bedroom. They find both their parents waiting for them. Ume looks at both her daughters and speaks to them.

"Yuzu, Mei, my two precious daughters. I have been dreading this day, but I also have been waiting for this day.

Yuzu my sweet girl. This is a milestone for you, finally leaving the nest and finally becoming a women. You are always welcome here. This is the family home so please don't be a stranger and remember I am only a phone call away.

Mei, I am so happy that you finally being yourself. Just like your father I am going to place my trust in you and give you my precious treasure to look after and just like I said to Yuzu this door will always be open for you."

All three women start to cry and hug each other.

"Mama, once again thank you."

"Papa look after mama for me."

"I will look after her Yuzu, I promise."

Yuzu turns back towards her mama and gives her one big hug. She looks around the apartment one last time, she grabs her fiancé hand looks into her eyes and simply says


Both if the girls bow their heads toward their parents who does the same to them and both of them walk out ready for the next step in their relationship.

Mei pushes the elevator button and squeezes her fiancé hands. She looks at her and smiles. As they enter the lift Mei grabs Yuzu and pulls her close she kisses her gently. Mei slowly pulls away from her lover and whispered in ear.

"From today, I get you all to myself."

Yuzu blushes from ear to ear hearing her fiancé say that. All Yuzu does is pull her fiancé towards her, kiss her and just hold her. By this time they have reached the bottom and are walking to the car. They both get in and at the same time they turn toward the driver and both say.

"Home please"

The driver starts the car and heads towards their new home. It was not long before they arrived and both of them seemed nervous. Trying to find some comfort they grab each other hands and interlock their fingers and head into the building.

Yuzu calls the elevator and pressed the button to their new home. The trip in the elevator seemed long but once the door opened and they both step out Yuzu freezes. Mei looks at her fiancé grabs her other hand and spoke to her.

"Yuzu, are you ok."

"Mei. I just need a second. This is the first time that I lived with someone and espically with someone who I truly love."

" Is that all. For some reason I thought you were having second thoughts about this."

"No!! I want this, I think I'm a little scared. I don't know what is going to happen. I love you and when we walk through that door our new life will start."

"Yuzu I love you. Let's take it one step at a time."

With this the girls start walking to their front door. Yuzu can see the door sign saying Yuzu and Mei Aihara. Yuzu gets her key out and shakily moves the key to the lock. Mei rests her hand on Yuzu and says.

"Shall we do this together. "


The girls turn the key in the lock and open the door and together they walk in. Yuzu is amazed at what she sees. Everything looks perfect. She walks the kitchen looking at the stuff she wanted and everything is top of the line. Yuzu smiles and just thinks to herself all the wonderful meals she can cook with this.

She turns her attention toward her the front room and sees a massive TV. It was not the one she wanted. This one was bigger it was a 72inch o led screen with surround sound. She looked at Mei and pointed toward it. Mei just shrugs her shoulders and too say "I don't know." Yuzu scans the all the blu rays and dvd that are on the shelf. Once again the smile on her face is beaming and it is bright.

Next she looks at the dining table it was beautiful. It was a stunning deep manhongy with glass finish. Excited she walks to the bathroom and sees all of her normal shampoos and body lotions. Yuzu pauses for a minute and walks to the master bedroom. She has no idea what it will look like as she had no input on this. This was all Mei.

Yuzu open the door but could not see anything. Her eyes are being covered by her fiancé hands.

"Mei, what are you doing."

"I wanted too show you this room."

"OK. I see."

Mei guides her fiancé into the room and asks her to keep her eyes closed for a second. Yuzu agrees too the request. Mei stands in front of her and kisses her deeply. Mei breaks the kiss and speaks to her.

"On the count of three open your eyes. 1, 2, 3."

As so soon as it was said Yuzu opened her eyes and is amazed. Right in front of her is big queen size four poster bed with what can only be described as a canopy over the top. She carries on looking around and sees on the floor a big soft luxury rug.

Still scanning the room Yuzu is looking for her wardrobe which she cannot find. She looks at Mei and asks.

"Where are my clothes, or wardrobe."

Mei walks over to the bedside table and grabs a remore control. Presses a button. Yuzu hears a door open behind her and sure enough it was what she was looking for. She looks behind her and sees that her wardrobe was a walk in wardrobe filled with all sorts of clothes. It had her old clothes and new clothes in it and see can see her dress that she bought when she went to gramps house hanging nicely.

Yuzu falls to the floor and starts to cry. Mei rushed to her side.

"Yuzu, why are you crying"

"I'm crying because I am happy. This apartment is more beautiful than I ever imagined its perfect. Just like you. I know I say this all the time but god I love you."

"I want nothing but the best for you. I love you too."

Mei pulls Yuzu up from the floor and holds her. Yuzu places her her on her fiancé chest and continues to cry. Mei reassure her and kisses her multiple times. Once Yuzu stops crying they head back out to the living area and both sit down on the sofa.

Yuzu pushes her sister down and sits on top off her places her hands on either side of her sisters face leans down and kisses her with everything she has. Mei melts into the kiss wanting more but Yuzu stops and says.

"Before we get into that, I think we better get some food into the house as I cannot wait to cook us our first meal together and then maybe I'll take you for desert."

Mei looks into her eyes and smiles.

"Sounds good to me."

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