Chapter 47

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Time Skip (2 months)

Yuzu and Mei are on there way to have dinner with their parents. Even though they are going there for dinner they will be making it as Ume is getting really big and has started to feel a bit over whelmed. Being just under 40 years old the risks are higher so her daughters called and offered to make dinner.

The girls were chatting about their up coming wedding which both of them are both excited and nervous as it is just around the corner. As they near the family apartment they get a call from their father.

"Hello Mei, How far are you."

"We should be there in about 10 minutes."

"could you hurry up."

"Father what's wrong."

"Your mother has gone into labour. Her waters have broke and she wants you guys here with her."

"We will be there as soon as we can"

Mei looks at Yuzu and all she says is


As the girls are not normally athletic and as they are carrying shopping it makes the run to the apartment hard but they still manage to get there in five minutes, both panting and trying to get their breath back. Mei get her key out of her bag and open the door. She rushes into the house and shouts that they have arrived. Shou come out his bedroom and both of the girls see his relief.

Yuzu turns to her father and asks.

"Why did I have to run for."

"Did Mei not tell you."

"Tell me what."

"Your mother has gone into labour."

Yuzu drops the bags she was holding, kicked off her shoes and run straight pass her papa and into the bedroom.

"Mama are you ok, do you need anything."

"Yuzu your here, is Mei with you."

"Off course she is with me, we were coming over to make you dinner. Don't you remember."

"Yes I remember. Could you grab her for me please."

Yuzu stands and shouts to Mei to come into the room as she don't want to leave her mama alone. A few moments later Mei opens the door and kneels by the side of her mother bed.

"Ahh, Mei..... Could you do me a favour please."

"Yes mother what do you need."

"I need you to look after your father please as he is nervous wreck. If you dont mind."

"If that is what you need mother then that is what I will do."

"Also, I will need Yuzu help, so I'm going to borrow her for a little while."


"Also I need you two to listen to me and when I mean listen I want your undivided attention"

In unison they say "You have it."

"This is going to hard to take in but I need to say this now as I am running out of time. I love you both with all my heart. Me and your father have both agreed that if anything happens to me weather if your papa is alive or not. You two will become this baby guardian. It is all written down and our lawyers have the details.

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