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The two girls are sitting in their living room in silence waiting for the other to start talking. Yuzu takes a deep breath and breaks the silence.
“Mei, If you don’t want to talk about it then don’t. I really don’t mind.”
“It’s not that I don’t want too its finding a place to start.”
“Start from the beginning.”
“OK. As you are fully aware my father and my mother divorced when I was young. It took me by surprise that they were divorcing as I thought we were all happy as a family. If I remember correctly they both sat me down and told me together. They each told me of their reasons.

If I remember correctly my father told me that he fell out of love with my mother and that their relationship was stale. Not only that he told me that he wanted to travel around the world.

My mother also told me the same thing. She had fallen out of love with my father but that was it. My mother then continued to say that I could choose who I would like to stay with. For some reason I answered that I wanted to stay here.

For the first year of us splitting as a family my mother used to contact me once a week and we would spend a few hours on the phone talking about everything. But as time went on the calls came but our time on the phone would decrease till eventually they stopped. Too this day I still don’t know why she stopped calling. Maybe she had fallen out of love with me and this is when I think I started to close my heart.

I did ask my grandfather and my father why my mother stopped calling but as usual they did not tell me. It was like a big dark secret of the Aihara family. I did try and call my mother but the line she used was disconnect.”
As Mei was talking tears started to fall from her eyes. Yuzu held her fiancé  hand and squeezed them tightly. She leaned in and whispered into her ear.
“Let then out.”

 After about 30 minutes Mei finally stopped crying and carried on with her story.
“I tried to track her down on my own but she either changed her name or was registered under another name. I have always wanted to know what happened to her and I have always wanted to speak to her about everything from back then but I always had this voice in the back of my head saying stupid things.
Eventually I gave up on her and just concentrated on my school work and the academy.”
“Mei, when was the last time you spoke to anybody about this.”

“it must be a good 5 or 6 years ago.”

“Would you like to try and get in contact with her.”

“Yuzu, I don’t need too. I have you, I have Mama and my Father. I don’t need anybody else.”

“Listen to me. You need to find some closure in this matter. I feel like you have skipped quite a bit of your story and take it from me. I cannot speak to my dad anymore and deep down it still hurts like hell, but if you can still get in contact and speak to your mother I feel that it will help you. You will always have us. That will never change.”
“Yuzu I don’t know where to start I tried everything to find her.”
“Well let’s start with gramps. I know you don’t want to talk to him at this moment because of what he did to us but I think he has to know something.”
“I really don’t want to ask him.”
“OK let’s do this. I’ll ask gramps and you ask papa.”
“Yes papa, do you really think he don’t know anything.”
“I’m very certain about that. He would of told me if he did.”
“I love Papa, but I’m thinking he might of hid it from you. Call it Yuzu intuition.”

Mei just laughed and laughed at her fiancé but nevertheless she did think about what she had said and once again in the back of her mind she thought that he did know something. Both of the girls took out their phones and dialled.
“Hello gramps.”
“Good evening yuzu.”
“I’m going to cut to the chase. Can I have the number for Mei mum please.”
“I don’t know what you mean. Surly you have her number.”
“Not that mother her biological mother.”
“I’m sorry Yuzu I really don’t have it.”
“Don’t make me laugh old man. Just give me the number now.”
“You are too stubborn for your own good. Why would you think that I would have it and what makes you think I will give it to you.”
“As you said I’m stubborn and I’m going to help my beloved out and if you don’t want the whole world to know about us you better give me that number.”
“You wouldn’t do that.”

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