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Mei enters the bedroom where she sees her sister holding the pillow. Smiling to herself She creeps up towards the bed lays down beside her moves her arm across her waist and pulls herself closer. All she can feel is her sisters warmth and her heart beat.

“Yuzu are you awake"


“Can you turn over and face me please”

“I don’t think I can because I’m really enjoying you holding me"

“Please turn around, as I would like to be held as well"

Slowly the older sister turn her body towards her younger sister puts her arm around her. After a few minutes of holding each other they look into each other eyes.

“Mei my love. I have said it to so many times before and I will say it again to you now I am completely in love you. To answer your question last night. I’ve not really thought about it but what I do know is that I cannot live without you. You mean so much to me. I will become your girl.....”

Before the eldest sister could finish what she was saying. The youngest pressed her lips against her softly and in a calming voice.

“Before you say that. I would like to prove myself a bit more. I will ask you again tonight once we get to where we are going.”

Mei presses her lips again once more against her sisters but this time it was different. The eldest let’s go of the embrace and gets on top of her sister grabs both her hands and pins them above her head. She leans in And kisses her deeply, with passion. They both break away from the kiss panting. Yuzu starts to kiss her sisters cheek working her way around to her ears. As soon as she touched her ears the youngest cannot help but to let out a moan which in turn makes the blonde want more.

Mei is trying to break free of her sisters grip but it is too strong. She tries to move her body to get her off but ultimately fails. She tried to call her sister name she gets ignored. She keeps on thinking I need to break free. I want this I really want this but not now. With her resolve failing she starts to cry.

Yuzu see that her sister is crying jumps off her and apologised.

“Mei I’m sorry. I’m really sorry I don’t know what come over me.”

“I’m not upset.”

“Then why are you crying"

“I’m crying because I am happy. I’m crying because I want you. I want to lose myself in you. I wanted to give in to desire. But this is not the time. Please wait for me just a little bit longer.”

“I have waited for you for so long. I suppose I  an wait just a little bit longer.”

“Thank you"

Feeling defeated Yuzu sits on the edge of the bed turns back to her sister gives her a quick kiss and says to her sister

“I’m hungry, Lets have breakfast.”

“That’s sounds like a good idea but let’s cook it and eat it in bed.”

“Lets do it. Let’s have a nice breakfast in bed and have a lazy day until we have to get ready for whatever you have planned for me"

The two sisters leave the bedroom both thinking about what to have. Both of them come up with different suggestions but they could already smell food coming from the kitchen.

“Papa” Yuzu calls out.

“Well good morning to my beautiful daughters"

“Are you actually making breakfast. I never knew that you could cook"

“Your mama has been teaching me. As it not been fair you two doing all the cooking. At least this way I can help.”

“What have you been cooking.”


The two sisters could not help but laugh at their father who has nearly destroyed the kitchen.

“Lets hope they taste good" Yuzu said

between the cries of laughter.

“They better be as I threw the first batch out”

After their father said this they were all laughing so hard. They finally all calmed down and Yuzu looks at the pancakes and gave him a thumbs up as the  looked they could be eaten. While Yuzu was inspecting the pancakes Shou looks at his youngest and said.

“You do know that you made your mother cry this morning"

“WHAT!” She shouted

“Don’t worry, It was a good cry and not a bad one"

Looking puzzled she looked at her dad and said

“what do you mean by that I am lost"

“It’s what you said to her"

“Could you be more specific as I said a lot of things"

“OK. What was the last thing you told her before you went into that room"

“I told her I loved her"

Shou could not help but smile walked around to his daughter hugged her and replied

“That was the first and only time you said that to her"

Pushing her father back a little she looked at the floor trying to remember of it was. Tears started to form her eyes, she looked at her father and looked at her sister and walked away towards her parents to her parents room without knocking she went to her mother and embraced her.

Startled Ume tried to push her daughter off but she would not let go. She tightened her grip and through smothered sound said

“I’m sorry. My father just told me that you were crying because of what of I said and I honestly thought I had said it before. Just now I realised it was the first time I said it too you. Please forgive me"

“Sweetie. Don’t say sorry to me. Just promise me that you won’t wait years to say it again. I am very happy that you said that me. I waited so long for it.”

The two if them parted and made a promise with each other that it would be said more often as the love of parent is more precious than anything in then world. Well mostly.
Mei walks back to the kitchen where she see her sister taking some pancakes and placing them on a tray with a cup off coffee and a cup if tea. The two sisters retire to the bedroom to eat their breakfast and

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