Chapter 46 (side Hime and Sara)

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CChapter46 (side story.)  HIME/SARA

Himeko returns home and finds Sara asleep on the sofa. She walks over to her and kneels down and moves a bit of hair from her face and placed it behind her ear. She leans in and kisses her softly on her lips.

Sara wakes up with a little smile on her face as her girlfriend has returned. She rubs her eyes and sits up and pats the open seat next to her. Himeko accepts when Sara starts to speak.

“How was your dinner.”

“It was lovely. Yuzu can really cook.”

“You don’t have to tell me that I already know.”

“I bet you do.”

“So what did they want.”

“Mei asked me to be her maid of honour.”

“Did you accept.”

“Of course she is my best friend. I never got to be her maid of honour last time so I’m really excited to do it this time.”

“I’m sure you will be a brilliant maid of honour.”

“You know it.”

Himeko start to stare at the floor and starts to fidget. She looks at her girlfriend and starts to say something but stops. She leans In and kisses her. Sara places her hand on her shoulders and pushes her back. They rest their foreheads together when Himeko speaks.

“I love you Sara, I hope you know that.”

“Of course I do as I love you. Now that is established what was you going to say.”

“I was thinking about taking you to see my parents. I know it’s a big step but I want you too see them. Even if it’s just once. We probably won’t make it passed the front door but this needs to be done. Would you be willing.”

“I would like to meet them if that’s possible. Should we call them and find out or so you want to turn up unannounced.”

“I think k it would be better to just turn up.”

“when do you want to go.”

“How about tomorrow afternoon. I don’t have work tomorrow and you don’t have university.”

“I see. Let’s do it. I’m up for it. I want to meet them.”

“OK let’s get some sleep and we shall go.”

They both head to bed. Sara was out like a light but Himeko was restless. She could not get comfortable and eventually she closed her eyes she sees her dad shouting at her. She gets out of bed and grabs a glass of water and sits down on her sofa and softly cries to herself.

About an hour later Sara wakes up and finds that her girlfriend not in bed. She quietly opens the door to the bedroom and peeks out. Looking at her girlfriend she can hear her crying. Sara walk over to her and wraps her arms around her neck and whispers to her.

“Himeko, I am here for you. I will be your piller of strength. I will be your rock. I will now and always have your back. Please come back to bed.”

Himeko says nothing. She places her glass on the table , gets up from the sofa and walks around and faces her girlfriend and places her hand into Sara hand and walks into the bedroom

Before they lay down Sara pulls Himeko into a deep passionate kiss. They only stop because they needed air. They both lay down on the bed and face each other without saying a word. Sara pulls her closer and just holds her tightly and both drift off to a deep sleep.

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