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The sisters arrived home and shout from the front door

“Were home"

Ume welcomed then and asked

“Did you have a nice time"

Both of them I unison said

“It was wonderful.”

“Did you buy anything nice"

“Yep we sure did mama, but I am afraid you will have to wait until tomorrow so see what papa bought us. As we want it to be a suprise"

“Sounds interesting.”

Ume then continued
“Yuzu go and put all the bags and that in your room and don’t come out until we come and get you"

“Mei, you come with me"

Both of the sisters lost all colour in the their faces.

“ You have a visitor don’t panic is not really a bad thing but this is something that you need to deal with alone.”

Still a bit confused they did what they were told. Yuzu went to her room and Mei followed her mother. Sitting at the dining room table was her husband Patrick.
Before anybody could explain what was going on Mei was livid. Not holding back in the slightest she turned on him and in a
very stern voice said

“What in the hell are you doing here. I told you I never wanted to see your face ever again.”

“Mei sweetie, Please listen to him and what he has too say" Ume said.

“Mother I really don’t want to see him"

“Mei Aihara. Sit down. I told you to listen so listen.”

Wow thought Mei, in all my time knowing her never once have I heard her use my full name. Not once has she steered me I the wrong direction. Maybe I should just shut up and listen. Mei grabs the chair and sits in front of her husband.

“I’ll ask again. What do you want Patrick"

“I got this address from your grandfather. He thought it would be a good idea to drop these off"

He hands Mei an envelope and inside were divorce papers. He continues to say

“We probably should if done this sooner. Maybe we would of been happier. The only reason why I went along with this was because of my family. A bit like yourself. What you said to me made me think about the situation we have been in. Yes you are correct I am gay and I have been for years. Once the divorce is finalised I am going to leave this country with my boyfriend and get married to him. I only hope that you can find the same happiness”

“I will find my happiness. I have already found my happiness but I need to prove myself to her before I can make any future plans"

Patrick looking confused, looks straight into his wife’s eyes and says

“Did you just say her"

“Yes I did"

“Wow you kept that hidden well from everybody"

“I had too, it was the only way I could protect her. In my own way"

“Can I meet her"

Mei was a little bit shaken by the request and was looking around and her dad and her mother for confirmation. Both her parent looked at their youngest daughter and said

 “it is up too you. You are the only one who can make that decision.”

Mei turns head around and says

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