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Yuzu is still around the corner of the academy still crying and she cannot seem to stop she pulls her phone from bag and says to herself.

“I’m crying now so I might as well get this over with as I will probably be single again soon."

Without hesitation she calls her girlfriend and on the second ring she answers

“Hello Yuzu”

“Hello Sara” she replies between sobs.

“Take it went bad"

“Yeah it was pretty bad and before we carry on I need to say something to you and if you hate me afterwords I will understand"

Before she could explain what happened Sara siad

“You kissed her, am I right."

Shocked and afraid of what was to come next all that Yuzu could muster was

“Yes. I’m sorry. It was our last kiss. I mean it. I went and saw her just like you asked. I really want to see you. Could I come over to your place."

Being a kind and gentle person that she has always been the response that came out of the silver haired girl shocked Yuzu to her core.

“No Yuzu, you cannot come over to my place and if I'm honest I expected that you would kiss each other. As I said before I know you still love her and I’m rooting for you. Just remember that I am here for you. Go get her and don’t call me until you do. Good things come to those who wait and you my darling Yuzu have waited long enough. Follow your heart and your dreams "

“Sara. Are we breaking up"

She giggled down the phone while trying to talk

“Yes we are, let me say it again you are still in love with her. Your fates are intertwined. Once again I came into you life when you needed me. It seems like my destiny to get you two back together. The last few weeks have been plenty of fun but this is where we stop."

“Sara, im really sorry, thank for the past few weeks. You have shown me nothing but kindness and you have shown me that I can love again. I promise I will do what’s needs to be done I won’t stop until she is in my arms again. Thank you my friend I will keep you updated on what happens."

“Yuzu. The next time we meet up I want you and your sister there. With you, don't make me come and smack your heads together. I beleive the love that you two share is amazing and strong. I have always wanted a love like that and for as long as I live, I won't stop trying. That saying goes for you as well. I won't stop trying to get you and Mei together.”

At the same time both the girls say

"Goodbye Sara"

"Goodbye Yuzu'

With that both of the girls ended the call. Yuzu gets up and starts heading towards the train station she puts in some headphones and listen to some popular music while making her way home she ponders on the last couple of days. One thing that has been made perfectly clear is that she is indeed still in love with her sister.

She enters her apartment building and makes her way up to her floor pulls her keys out of her bag and enters. Shouting out to her mama and papa that she is home and proceeds to take out her earphones and gets welcome home by both of them. What she did not expect to see was a familiar face that belonged to her sister.

Yuzu just freezes and starts to panic for what seemed like an eternity. She quicky puts her shoes back on and is running out the door again. She gets into the elevator but she was not alone.

“Yuzu Ahaira. Get out of that elevator and back into the apartment"

Ume was shouting at her eldest daughter.

“Mama how could you. How could you let her back in our house. Its not hers anymore she left it. It's our home. It yours, papas and mine."

Yuzu thought that she had ran out of tears but that could not be true as more tears was falling from her eyes.  Ume steps into the elevator let's the doors close and speaks.

“Sara called me. She said that you might get a visitor and to make sure you let her in and whatever you do don’t let Yuzu out of your sight."

Ume continued

“Sara also told me that you broke up because you and Mei kissed when you went to see her today"

Yuzu tried to interrupt her mama but Ume just placed a finger on her daughter lips and carried on talking.

“I know you still love her and I know if things were different we would be having a completely different conversation. Let’s go back, papa and myself will be in the house this whole time. Go talk to her and don’t do anything silly"

"Please mama, can we just stay like this for a  few more minutes. I'm lost, I'm frightened and I don't know what to do,"

Ume pulls her daughter closer and let's her baby girl cry on her shoulder. Without saying anything.

Once Yuzu had finally stopped crying. She taps her mama on the shoulder, letting her know that she is ready to go. Ume stands up as somehow they found themselves in the corner of the ground floor. Ume Holds out her hand, which Yuzu takes and lifts her to her feet. She speaks to her daughter

"You got this."

Yuzu says nothing. As they both enter the apartment Shou walks over to his wife and daughter. He looks at Yuzu who hugs him, while he hugs her back he whispers in her ear.

“Are you ready to face this"

“Not really papa but I do owe it to myself and I owe it to Sara to try"

“Thats my girl”

They all walk into the dining area where Yuzu turns to face her sister and said to her

“In 10 minutes walk to that room, knock and come in. I will be ready to talk to you. But weather I listen to what you have to say or even if u listen to what I have say it will go either 2 ways

1st way. We talk and sort this out and we all go out for a family dinner. JUST US 4.”

2nd way I kick you out and I will never ever see your face again. I mean It Mei, I really do."

Mei just nods her head thankful that she was given a chance just to talk to her, Just to be by her side, just to feel the warmth radiating from her.

“OK see you in ten minutes”

Yuzu then stomps over to her bedroom door opens and closes it and jumps on her bed and screams into her pillow. Weather it was in frustration on knowing that she will be alone with her she could not work it out. Yuzu went to her closet to change out her jeans as she was getting hot. She changed into some shorts and put a lighter top on waiting for that dreaded knock. Her heart is beating so fast and so loud that it could probably wake the dead. 

Before knocking on the door Mei looks over to her mother and father looking for some encouragement which she gets with four thumbs up, which her mother pulls off but her father looks a bit awkward. Gathering herself as the 10 minute time frame has lapsed, she knocks on the door to her old bedroom. With one more look over her shoulder she enters the room and closes the door behind her.

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