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As the girls was about to enter their old apartment they see that their parents outside. Giving them a confused look. Ume looked at them and pointed to her wrist. Yuzu looked at the time and rolled her eyes. 

Ume and Shou got in the vehicle and checked to see if their youngest daughter was ok. Ume let out as breath seeing that Yue was fine and was sound asleep.  She looked at Yuzu and thanked her. 

Mei gave the driver the address that they needed to go to and off they went. It did not take long for them to arrive at the destination as it was pretty close. As they all got out all of them took a deep breath as the church that they were looking at was breath taking. 

It was an old church that stood 2 stories high. the outside was painted in white with stained glass windows. The drive way was white made out of white lose gravel and the there were loads of different flowers scattered around. 

Both of the girls had wide smile on their faces and could not wait to get inside. 

Once they got over the initial shock of seeing the church they notice Nene was waiting for them. 

"Good afternoon, Yuzu and Mei"

"Good afternoon Nene." they both said in unison. 

"Who do we have with you." 

"These are our parents, Ume and Shou with our baby sister Yue."  

Nene turned her attention the them, bowed slightly and and welcomed them. Nene could not help herself and linked arms with both Yuzu and Mei and walked them both int the church.

Inside was just a breathtaking as the outside. The smiles on all their faces were going from ear to ear. Mei turned and looked towards Nene and spoke.

"Nene, this church is fantastic." 

"I could not agree more" Yuzu chimed in.

"Well I am glad. No sorry we are glad you like it."

"Nene, you better cash thay cheque in that I gave you as this is the place where we will say our vowels."

"OK Mei. I will do."

With this said and done Nene wife came from around the back.

"Well, I take it I can cancel out the pencil mark and re write in pen."

"That is correct. This place is just wow."

"Well I am glad you like it. Now if  the 2 brides could follow me please."

About 20 minites later Yuzu and Mei come out of the office and meet meet up with their parents and all of them walk out the church together.

Yuzu stops and turns around walks back up to Nene and Honoka and gives them both hugs and softly speaks.

"We will see you in the 28 and to both of you please don't be strangers to our home. You both are welcome anytime."

With this she bows turns around and jumps onto Mei arms.

"I love you Mei. I really do."

"I also love you Yuzu. Now and forever."

As they close the door on the car Yuzu says the the address of the next place they need to visit. Everyone looks confused.

"Ah crap i forgot to tell you. I found someone to make our cake and we are on our way to meet them"

With that said all of them got into small talk about the church and everything. It was not long before they were all out the car and walking into the Udagawa shop.

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