School Party

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April 1982

After Christmas of 1981, the school year moved fast for Alice before she knew it, it was already the last day before the Easter holidays.

"So did you hear about the big birthday party that Rachael Hays is having tomorrow night," Lucy joins her group of friends in their usual spot on the school field. Rachael is the year 8 popular girl, her parents are rich and she's invited the entire year to her party.

"Yeah, Molly and I will be there. It's going to be awesome," Adam grins.

"Is anyone else?" Hazel asks, "I want to."

"I will if my dad lets me," Alice nods, her dad is always bugging her to do more with her friends so why not?

"Then I'm going too," Lucy turns to Rami and Joe, "You two coming?"

"I will," Joe nods and so does Rami too.

The truth about Alice's friendship group is they fancy each other, Joe fancies Hazel, Rami fancies Lucy and Alice fancies Molly but none of them knows that the feelings are mutual. Adam just does his own thing since it's very obvious that he is gay.

"Why don't you get your dad to drop you at mine?" Hazel suggests knowing how far out Alice is.

When Alice gets home, she goes in search of her dad to ask that very question, "Dad?" She finds him in the studio along with John and Brian, "Oh hi Uncle Deaks, Uncle Brian."

"Afternoon, how was school?" Brian asks.

"Easy, the last day of term is always a dose day." She looks back at her dad, "Dad, can I go to a party tomorrow night?"

"Where and with who?" Roger doesn't look up from wherever it is he's doing with the soundboard.

"It's at Rachael's house, I'm going with the gang. I'll get ready a Hazel's if you don't mind dropping me off then I'll sleepover at hers."

"Is Rachael the popular stuck up bitch you told me about?"

"Yes but she's invited the entire year and I won't hang out with her, just my mates. Come on dad, you said I should spend more time with my friends."

"You did say that," John backs her up remembering the conversation when Alice came to the studio after school instead of going to Molly's house.

Roger glares at the bassist, "I guess I can drop you at Hazel's but no drinking, smoking or sex."

"Ew, dad."

"I'm serious Alice. I know what a school party can involve, if I catch you doing any of them then your grounded for the entire Easter holiday's."

"Have you told Molly yet?" Brian changes the subject before Alice can throw something back. Alice has gained her dad heated backfire response over the past few months and it often ends in them bickering.

They all know about her being a lesbian and it doesn't bother them one bit but like with any boy, they don't want to see her get hurt.

"No, I'm not even sure if she is a lesbian," She shakes her head realising who she's talking to, "Anyway I'm going upstairs to get changed."


The next afternoon Roger drops Alice at Hazel's, "Remember what is said," Roger warns as she climbs out of the car. She throws him a look of don't start, "But have fun too," He smiles last minute to lighten the mood.

"Thanks, dad. See you tomorrow," She shuts the car door and goes inside.

Hazel squeals upon seeing her friend, "This is so exciting, oh, Lucy and Molly will be here soon too. I thought we could all get ready together."

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